Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Do Men Grow Their Pinky Nails

Program November 2009 October 2009

  • Tuesday, November 3, 7:30: Col de l'Ouillat - Pic Christau, WALK TO ALL. 2449OT IGN. Elevation 350m, running time 5H. Easy level.
  • Tuesday, November 10, 7:30: Casteil-Coll Llavent - St. Martin Canigou. IGN 2349ET. Elevation 600m 7H running time, average.
  • Tuesday, November 17, 7:30 Lamanère - the crests. IGN 2349ET map, elevation 800m, 7H walk. Average level.
  • Tuesday, November 24, 7:30 Prugnanes - Roc Parader. Carte IGN 2447 OT 2347OT. Elevation 700m, running time 6H, Middle level
+ Every Friday, starting at 9.00 M Parking. Route depending on weather, easy level walk, back to about 16H.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fashion Tv Without Cloths

Madeleine 2: Impact

is definitely a time for nostalgia.

With great pleasure, I bought in a kiosk number of Impact , resurrection of the dead little sister magazine Mad Movies . The mag was actually proposed for some numbers in tandem with Mad, but this time, as in the heyday, Impact takes off solo.
Impact, as his deputy pulls the shows, "the greatest action film," profession of faith backed by smoldering chatter, alternating arm lights big time, Sly to Schwarzenegger through Dolph and Jean-Claude muscles before and pop-guns generous way like this:

Buy Impact, it was attracting almost more of an angle in the eyes with Mad Magazines! And besides, there was a pinup and articles on the movie X: 17 years when we matter! The adventure was unfortunately stopped in 2001. Still

that beneath his nags assumed, Impact has participated in the quality of his texts away from stereotypes, such as Mad Movies, to my discovery of a whole film, especially from Asia, and has fueled my passion for film makers but as diverse as John Milius couillus, William Friedkin, Sam Peckinpah, John Woo, John Mc Tiernan and Kathryn Bigelow. And I'm not alone in this case!

Good news then that this return, especially since it's indestructible Sly who has the honor of cover of this issue 1, and a retrospective article, unfortunately not very informative for that is a fan of the man even in his least forgivable mistakes (Rocky IV, Cobra Stops or your fans will cry etc. ...). Rambo, the film's seminal Ted Kotcheff, however, entitled to an appropriate decryption on two pages. Olivier Marchal interesting interviews for the excellent series Braquo and Kurt Sutter, creator Sons of Anarchy of . Back to 'For a Few Dollars More "and" Once upon a time the revolution ", Sergio Leone, at their resort in theaters. Plus lots of topics! Welcome back, dear Impact, and good luck!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Blueprint For Sand Rail

Madeleine electric

As I had some time before me, back forces blocked, here is a little "blast from the past." You have been warned ...

20 years. It seems close, almost yesterday, and yet it is already so far.

No, it's not the fall of the Berlin Wall that commemorates I, but the 20-year Shadowrun. When you're geeks, we do not remake. I stopped fight.

Shadowrun since its release is one of my favorite role playing games. My attachment to this world can even measure very prosaically: my collection (of books rpg, novels, artbook) is nearly two meters of linear library! Suffice to say that the case is hopeless. I heard for the first time in a critical game, rather Commendation, published in an issue of the journal Grail. In full wave Cyberpunk, Shadowrun and its dicey mix of anticipation and magic, was an outsider. At the time, the mere mention of "American Indians" in the background was enough to I do get wasted and so I threw on the translation done by Hex.

20 years, so. This means that the first time I laid hands on Shadowrun, I ... 16. Hard to believe it. This was followed by whole days of play, during a campaign during squeezing to the bone the first supplements, the transition to the second edition, reading novels (among the first things I read in English , dico on knees) ...

Yet all was not rosy with Shadowrun. Difficult first right mix cyberpunk and fantasy, especially when you buy the first scenario is the very PMTesque " DNA / DOA "Widely regarded as one of the worst modules range. Then difficult, long process, renew the classic Mission-cons accepted that heart is more complex than expected and ends with the betrayal of Johnson. And then there's the black point of the rules, too complex for me. At the time, it was inconceivable to lead a party without mastering the rules on the fingertips. So I'm getting cards and memory aids, but despite this, no way to exploit the subtleties of magic, make a pass fluid matrix to remember multiple modifiers induced cyberware, or to work rules of sustained firing, recoil or scattering of pomegranate. Frustrating.

Nevertheless, I remain hooked. At the time history student, I am more familiar with the storyline of Shadowrun that my courses in medieval history. I almost never operates the farm involved, but I'm passionate about great storyline: the secrets of Universal Brotherhood, the presidential candidacy of Dunklezahn, the contents of his will, the events in Chicago or the true identity of Damian Knight. .. And the clues linking to Shadowrun Earthdawn. Even if I dropped the matter around the 3rd edition, due to time and players, I am still a fan this universe always on the line between kitsch and flamboyance, still reading from time to time the main supplements.

20 years later, then. History celebrate, I bought the 20th anniversary edition vf, published by Black Book Publishing in, even though I had already invested in the 4th American edition, identical in substance despite some rearrangements. The fourth does not convince me on the visual level: even if there is good, as the drawings of SwaI, this is far from true of the whole work, burdened by more than one layout in emetic green duotone. To say that this is the 20th anniversary edition level: the book is beautiful, colorful layout, however, managed to stay sober and illustrations are generally well chosen. Butt strongly a little tear at the sight of the cover page listing the iconic artwork of Larry Elmore, who served as cover for first and second publish the game, and one is caught by an attack of nostalgia regretting the absence of any drawing of the brilliant Jeff Laubenstein. Thick cover paper, pleasant to the touch, it is simply the most beautiful Shadowrun to date. Vf is the more excellent, with a very good translation and no shells. Thank you Black Book!

You tell me that I speak and form. Indeed, because it remains Shadowrun: even if the rules have undergone a big bet for the 4th flat, they are still as thick and occupy the majority of the work. The transition from the old array to augmented reality, however, is a success. When the new storyline was not much to be put in the tooth, despite an interesting "Emergence .

Still, Shadowrun is one of the best RPG of all time! And to celebrate, I raised a small piece of countryside, quickly aborted because of the damn back. But I hope to return soon and check if the flame still burns! Unless he must avoid the wake of good memories at the risk of spoiling ...