Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Horse Dressage Quotes

Program Program Program

  • Sunday, May 2: Day Hike in Arles sur Tech
  • Tuesday, May 4, 7:30 Arles - Molinot - Dolmen Montbolo. IGN map 2449OT. Elevation 750m, 6H walking, difficulty using
  • Tuesday, May 11, 7:30: Corbières Roquefort. IGN map 2547OT, climb 450m, 6H, walking difficulty Average
  • Tuesday, May 18, 6:45: Limoux. Rando for all. Bus transportation, participation fees. Contact us.
  • Tuesday, May 25, 7:30: Nohèdes Lakes. IGN2249ET card. Elevation 1,000 m, 6H walking, difficulty + average. Route and number of lakes, weather and shape.
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H. Contact us for more info and directions.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Accessories For Vstrom

When do you rent rather than buy?

Following the comments you left on the article " The rule for whether you should rent or buy your home " I am whether this rule to decide between buying and renting your primary residence could not be generalized to other types of purchases we make. Under what circumstances should you rent an object rather than buy? The case of buying or renting your primary residence would it not a special case? And if renting more often you could free up money for projects you have the most to you?

louer ou acheter location achat biens immobilier automobile The first rule: the duration of use

The first rule that comes to mind is that it is better to rent something that you will use only once or not often enough to justify its purchase. In this sense the location of your main residence could be a special case: your primary home, you live there almost every day. The criterion is not the same. By digging a little deeper, though the cases are similar.

Because the rule is still true that the ratio of price / rent. If property costs 150 euros, whether you rent 50 euros each time and you think you are using at least three times, you'd better buy. This applies even if you think living 20 years in the same place that 20 years of rent equivalent to the price of housing. If the ratio price / rent is less than or equal to 1, you have to buy. You understand that if your housing rent portion is equal to the amount Monthly * 12 * years in the place.

An important distinction is that the home you buy can eventually be assessed while many other properties will lose value. The ratio price / rent is a first indicator easy to calculate. To be precise, it is an indicator TCO / Rent you should calculate. We had already talked in the article on real estate . By calculating the total acquisition cost of the object (Total Cost of Ownership including the amount of the eventual resale once the duration of past use, maintenance costs, maintenance, insurance, fees various related to the object, ...) divided by its total rental cost, you get a much more accurate figure. But who actually enjoys to calculate them? I did the exercise recently in the case of the automobile.

A concrete example: automotive

We have a little Margaret who was born a month ago. With a family, I asked myself the question of buying a car, which is a major item of expenditure. Today a majority of us live in cities. If you can go to your work and do your shopping on foot or by public transport, using home delivery and Internet orders, you do not often need a car.

I calculated that we would need to rent a car one to two weekends a month. You can rent a family for about 150 euros per weekend. Even assuming 2 weekends a month, it only amounts to 3,600 euros per year. We are very far average annual budget car which was 7600 euros in 2008 . This is a simple way for many urbanites to halve one budget result.

course this choice is not only on financial criteria. There is not yet even in Paris, a service that allows you both to rent a car for a few hours for you visit with friends, and some days, to go on weekends or holidays. There is a business to create in this sector. Need to rent a car always brings a lot of stress and takes away the freedom to leave whenever you want wherever you want. You must book in advance to have a great rate.

The real cost of ownership for your belongings

I'm talking about a matter that has occurred recently in my personal life, but it is clear that the issue of rent arises very often: a suit or a handbag for a special occasion, tools for work, a film, a boat if you like sailing or fishing trips, a sports car if you are passionate about exceptional vehicles, a second home ... any property or thing that you may need or want temporarily. Everything is rented or almost.

We all have closets and basements filled with items that we do not use or have used once or twice. Of course you can sell them on ebay but their TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) will still have been much greater than if you had leased, depriving you of money you could have used for projects that will take longer heart.

My experience is that for many purchases, the issue of rent must be raised, then the question of buying opportunity if you want to make the most of every dollar you earn. If you set a family budget, which for me is essential, you will more often your choices on financial criteria. Trade-offs like "I prefer to spend less by spending more, I prefer to rent such an object because I'm not sure you really need after". Ultimately you may decide to buy and even buy new, for very good reasons, but it will not often for financial reasons. Gaining in clarity on the reasons for your expenses, your budget is better controlled and the satisfaction you derive from your spending is more important.

And you, what is your personal experience on the choice between renting and buying? Which goods and objects do you think in retrospect you would have done better to rent than to buy? What rule do you apply to decide between these two alternatives?

Credit: Nicolas Valentin

If you enjoyed this article, you'll love:
- The rule for whether you should rent or buy your home
- All purchases are investments
- Do you know the true cost of your purchases?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monetary Bday Invitation

The rule for whether you should rent or buy your home

Contrary to popular belief, renting your home is often more financially attractive than purchasing your home. We discussed in the article entitled "52 reasons rent your home instead of buying . Purchase prices rise or fall, the rental rates fluctuate, depending on times and locations. How do I know in your specific case if you have more interest in renting or buying today? What a simple calculation you can do to find out?

louer ou acheter logement appartement Compare expected returns

In a previous article, we had seen that it is better to rent if you can put your money (I think by your initial contribution and the difference between your monthly repayment of loan and the rent on your lease) with a yield that would double the gain with the purchase of your home. If the price of your home rises averaged 3% per annum over the period in which you own and that over the same period of investing you would have earned more than 6% per year, you had better not buy.

is a rule that is true in theory but in practice it seems difficult to apply to make your decision. You know that on average shares relate 5% more than real estate over the long term. This confirms that the rule would often be verified. But in your case, this theory does turn into hard cash? How to know in advance the date when you resell your home and how much? How do I know this time what actions you have purchased and how much you have reported? Impossible!

Calculate the ratio between purchase price and rental rates, the ratio Price / Rent

What you need is a rule you can apply with numbers that you know today, with numbers that are those of your specific case, and not those of the national average over the long term. To find out if today, in your neighborhood, you'd better to rent or buy, divide the amount of property you wish to purchase by that of the same type of property to rent on a year in the same area . It is the ratio Price / Rent.

Example: I'll take real figures from price per square meter, sale and rental, available on the internet . In Neuilly-sur-Seine, a square meter in March 2010 was EUR 28 leased and sold 8229 euros, a ratio of 8229 / (28 * 12) = 24.5. I entered the price per square meter for use a database of interesting and not a particular ad but questionable. When you take the price of similar homes in the same place for rent and sale, calculate what you need is the same. Another example, in Bourges, a square meter has leased and sold for 10 euros 1633 euros in March 2010, a ratio of 1633 / (10 * 12) = 13.6.

This ratio Price / Rent tells you if the property is overpriced or not in your area. If this ratio is above 20, as an owner you will pay 20 to harvest 1. No doubt, it is better to be a tenant. The higher the ratio, the lower it is worth buying. It is much more interesting to buy at Bourges at Neuilly-sur-Seine, financially speaking: you need 24.5 years to pay your rent housing in Neuilly while 13.6 years in Bourges you enough! I speak from years of rent and not in years to repay your loan. To pay that amount, you will need more time. It also shows that housing is very expensive to rent a low rate compared to their value. A ratio of "normal" (with all necessary quotation marks because what is normal for a while longer is not necessarily 10 years later), for which it is more interesting to be a buyer, is between 10 and 14.

The calculation that I have proposed is simple in the extreme. In reality when you own and you rent your property, you have expenses and accrued liabilities: you do not collect the rent received in its entirety. Your profitability will be lower. By integrating these charges, this calculation is the same as calculating P / E that you perform before you buy your shares.

ratio Price / Rent is only an indicator to make your choices and decide on the financial interest of the purchase you are considering. It offers the advantage of being simple to calculate, relying on local figures and concrete. But this is only an indicator. It does not assure you that your purchase will be profitable or not. There are other reasons than financial reasons for deciding to purchase your home.

This calculation reinforces my decision not to buy now in the city where I live, with a ratio price / rent well above 20. On your side, what is the price / rent your neighborhood? This information exchange does your real estate strategy? What other method do you know whether you would do better to rent or buy your home?

Credit: Fr Antunes

If you enjoyed this article, you'll love :
- The 5 pitfalls to avoid with your investment Scellier
- And if you live in your tenant?
- 52 reasons to rent your home instead of buying

Friday, April 9, 2010

Clear Phlem On A Baby

China Restaurant Delicatessen Restaurant

It's been a while since I was intrigued by this restaurant in front of Scientology on St Joseph. But no menu displayed (except the daily menu) and opening hours inconvenient (closed after 5 am and weekends) the restaurant delicacies is difficult to approach.

First printing inside: it's brown, all brown or beige, but we like the brown. 2nd printing, it smells very strong scent to the bathroom potpourri, I feel better in a frying snack question of opening up the appetite.

operation makes me think of a cafeteria, looking at the menu, order it and pay on arrival at the back of the restaurant. Is prepared trays with our utensils and our napkins, the waitress brought us our plates at the table when it loan.

I have time to go see a club sandwich that looks very good. All customers are people who only read the newspaper in silence but Quebec was the radio room. The daily menu announced for $ 8.50 includes soup and meatballs with sour cream or seafood fettucini. But I do not dare, I order a cheeseburger and a hot dog garnished. The hot dog is good, but not grilled onions expected, soft bread and grilled. The cheeseburger is topped with a slice of tomato and a bit of iceberg lettuce, no onions and ... NO CHEESE! But I had paid for a cheese ... But the patty is grilled to perfection and the amount of sauce is dosed.

short a restaurant OK but not memorable compared to our favorites.

670, rue St-Joseph Est

Friday, April 2, 2010

Are Scorpio Are Flirty People

3 tips to make best use of your borrowing capacity

Do you know what signfication the terms "debt capacity"? And how to make best use of your debt capacity? How is it your banker to calculate? That's a question I was asked Arnaud, a faithful reader Richest by mail. Arnaud thank you for this question. Here, I think, 3 rules to follow to make best use of your borrowing capacity.

What is your "debt capacity" and how it calculated?

Basically your debt capacity is the maximum amount that you could still borrow from your banker. Roughly speaking, the higher your debt capacity, the higher you are a good client for your banker. Your borrowing capacity varies depending on several criteria. The amount of your income, obviously, and the credits you have currently, of course.

type your credit also has its influence. If you credit for your main house, your debt capacity will not the same as if you have a credit on a home that you rent. Your second loan is covered in part or in whole by the return of money it generates. This credit is less risky than your primary residence. In addition, if you showed your banker with your rental investments that you are a good manager, he will be more inclined to trust you for new credit.

Your credit history also plays in your favor if you still have your money back "on the nail." In summary, your borrowing capacity varies depending on many criteria and some think that we should always maximize the if necessary, for example by always having an outstanding loan that proves you're a good customer, even if you do not really need this credit. Personally, I have less credit, the better I feel.

How to best use your debt capacity?

To make best use of your borrowing capacity, you have at least three rules to follow:

1. Do take out a credit for objects whose value appreciates. When you buy a car, you know that you resell cheaper. You pay more money, adding the cost of your credit, an object that you resell cheaper (or do perhaps worth nothing at all). Financially, it is catastrophic! That's where your money hand you do not know what you did! The first rule is to take out a loan, and thus not pay more than face value for the items you resell more than you have purchased. This may be the case when you buy your principal residence or you build your business.

2. Prefer to take a credit rather than dip into your savings if the rate of return on your savings is higher than the credit. Specifically if your investments earn you 4.5% per year, you need money to finance a project and you can borrow at 3.5%, it is better to borrow than to dip into your savings. The final transaction amount you save 1%. Do not forget as long rule # 1!

3. Avoid getting a single credit in an amount that would be your borrowing capacity. Specifically, if you can borrow a maximum of 100,000 euros to buy your home, you should choose a home that you will not need that much. On the one hand you'll be less debt and pay off more quickly your bank, on the other hand, you keep borrowing capacity if required. Your banker will be able to authorize a new credit without requiring that you have repaid the previous before. It would be a shame to miss a good opportunity in the market because you lack the necessary funds.

By following these 3 rules, you should have the basic ability to properly use your endettment. What other rules would you add after your experience? Are you at your maximum borrowing capacity? For you, what is the percentage of the debt capacity that is good to keep a "reserve"?

Credit: paalia

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