Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Get Well Cards For Cancer Patients

Program in February 2011

    Region Bouillouses under snow
  • Tuesday, February 1, 7:30: Peak Beam. IGN Map 2448 and, climb 600m, 5H walk, medium level. From Eus.
  • Tuesday, February 8, 7:30 Mas Riquer, Crtl Freixa, la Creu to Bairras. IGN Map 2348 AND. Elevation 650m, 5H walk, medium level. Besides Catllar (Prades).
  • Tuesday, February 15, 7:30: Snowshoe Hike. Rando for everyone: snowshoes, info to follow.
  • Tuesday February 22, 7:30 San Quirce Colera. English map, elevation 900m, 6H, walking difficult level. From the Col de Banyuls.
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H. Contact us for more info and directions.