Friday, November 13, 2009

Emerald Cheats Dont Work

How a newborn has transformed my budget

A newborn is one of the greatest gifts you can give life. The good news is that a girl will come to expand our family in March 2010. What happiness! This means that our 2010 budget will have to take it into account. Many cases must be purchased to accommodate a newborn. How to predict the budget when you're just parents for the first time? How not to fall into the excesses of buying too many beautiful things that serve little or your baby?

budget nouveau-né argent bébé achats naissance More I think about it the more I tell myself that this baby will change our habits with money. Your priorities change, new recurrent appear important, such as child care expenses, and others disappear. With a baby, you go out less often in restaurants for example. Overall, you should expect to lower your standard of living. That makes sense: you have more people living on the same amount of revenue. Try to list all expenses related to the arrival of a newborn in order to establish a realistic budget. Here's my list so far, followed by some gains, not to overlook such a change entails.

12 expenses not to forget your budget baby

1. Changes in your income : pregnancy may cause prolonged work stoppages, and when your child is born you will have less time to generate income. The "good" news is that if your income is down, your taxes will follow the same slope.

2. Maternity wear : from the belly of the mother grows, new clothes, special, must be purchased. They serve maybe six months, but almost all the wardrobe that is impacted.

3. Medical : whether or not mandatory medical visits, depending on the condition of the mother, the health budget increases, not to mention the cost of childbirth can be substantial.

4. Food : once it is born, your baby should be fed too. The budget is lower if the mother breastfeeds her child. Bottle feeding is equivalent to much more expensive.

5. Hygiene : you buy specific products to protect your baby's skin. You buy too many layers. The solution of cloth diapers reduces invoice.

6. Baby Equipment : not only did he need clothes, but it also keeps growing, making clothing too small in no time. Your newborn will also need a bed, a stroller, a car seat ...

7. care expenses : at least you'll have the expense of the baby-sitter, which you must add those of the nursery or childminder, the amount can vary depending on your resources.

8. Toys : you crack it and add new toys, so he might prefer playing with cardboard boxes, plus all the parties (Birthday, Christmas ...)

9. Heating and electricity : parents hotter when a newborn is in the house, to be sure it was not cold. Meals to be heated, additional baths, room and more light and heat ... financial costs.

10. Accidental Death : a birth is an opportunity to review your insurance and increase monthly payments to allow more money to the survivors, many more, should the worst happen.

11. Events around birth: a birth is an occasion to review all your friends pressenter the newborn and possibly celebrate a baptism. These events will cost money, just as many photos or videos that you keep in memory of those moments.

12. Fresh expansion : I put in this category are expenses that may be needed, such as changing the flat for an extra room, or change cars to carry more passengers and luggage. These are huge numbers that you should remember when setting up your budget. 4

earnings on which you can count at birth

1. Less taxes You can benefit from state subsidies, but also reduce your tax because your number of shares increases.

2. Less output : Your Newborn asking you to spend a lot of time, your life will become more sedentary. You'll have less spending at restaurants, cinemas, museums and travel.

3. Less work-related expenses : with your parental leave and your possible work stoppages will reduce expenses related to going to work (transportation, restaurant for lunch, clothing, ...)

4. More gifts around you : The birth gifts offered by your family and friends to help you spend less, provided that you do not receive 10 copies of the same garment too small.

I'm not sure my list is exhaustive. If you already have children, you may have noticed other items of expenditure which I do not think and that will allow me to better calculate my budget. In a future article, I will detail the specific costs generated by the newborn, so as to finalize your budget with a good idea of the amounts at stake

Did you think that there were many expenses related to the arrival a newborn? With your feedback, what expenses have been forgotten? What trick do you use to reduce these expenses? Some expenses would they be useless in your opinion?

Photo credit: Jon Ovington

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