Sunday, January 24, 2010

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"Underworld USA" - America raw flesh

Underworld USA is the conclusion of the trilogy initiated by James Ellroy and exploring the hidden side of America between 1958 and 1972. Actually, the name chosen by Ellroy to describe the entire trilogy which was incorporated in French to translate the original title - Blood's A Rover - this third and final book. A block of more than 800 pages in response to the previous two monsters: American Tabloid and American Death Trip. A company with ambition that could be overwhelming. But this final volume concludes the trilogy with a hair-raising mastery. Like any Ellroy book, but probably at a level never before reached the play is fun exhausting. Continuing

ass to search the dungeon disguised in American history official Ellroy combines fiction and reality in a manner so intricate that it is useless to try to separate fact from fiction. We let ourselves be carried in a maelstrom just explosive, which as always with the Mastiff, seems to leave in all directions before the elements do come together in a relentless Apocalypse. This

retained by the history books is a truth facade, a veil covering forgetful and bearable reality of an underground world that shapes events, manipulates men and crushes the fates. An underworld qu'Ellroy autopsy he lays bare the stinking guts and he leaves the body fluids flow. A puppet theater and sometimes ridiculous pathetic racist when agitated, coconuts, politicians, mobsters, cops, mercenaries ...

"Underworld USA" is also an autobiographical album more than previous ones, as the character of young voyeur Crutchfield is close to the vagaries of youth Ellroy himself, as revealed in "My Dark Places." One aspect associated with a greater role given to women, causes the trilogy later than expected.

The writing is always sharp, always violent, almost painful to the reader. For my part, I am wary of addiction CAUSED Ellroy's writing. I know that once immersed in the book, I could not lift his head. So I approach with caution, I peck the first 150 pages, I let the obsession move slowly ... before crack and finish the book in one sitting.

It starts dreaming qu'Ellroy continues its momentum, focuses on the Reagan years, Clinton or Bush. He will do anything a priori, since he says that his imagination stops at ending years of Underworld USA. Never mind, we reread again the trilogy, this time in one go ...


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