Friday, July 30, 2010

Red Label Rates In Hyderabad


on holiday last night, I want to do a little update on current projects. A post every six months, okay, I like the rhythm!

Casus and Tentacles

First, Casus Belli is back and will be on sale August 4th! A very good news for role players. It is a dynamic and highly motivated who started this revival (Bravo Tristan and Stephane!) And I honor to contribute. In this first issue, I sign a scenario for Call of Cthulhu.

And it is moving in more ways than one. First, because the AoC is my game fetish, the one I played most often and always want to return. Secondly, because that's Casus, what! I vowed, young, to publish something one day and then he was dead. And that's it!

Finally, it's scary. I'm not sure my script is one such model. It's also very intimidating to write for a range that has been following more than 20 years, and in which so many things, both good and bad, were made. In short, we'll see ...


Then the campaign Hellywood becomes clear at last!

We know its title: "The Angels of Justice"!

With Raphael Andere, we take the summer to complete texts. There is still work but it really starts to look like something.

So, we publish the official blog of Helywood, Whispers, a making of sub as a newspaper campaign episodes. The first traces the origins of the project, its constraints and thematic choices. You can read it here just .

And if ...

And if not, I advance a different project, not yet announced.

is still rpg and always intended to Editions John Doe, whose peer has made me a positive opinion for now, before read more (yes, I am naturally excluded Committee Reading for this project, otherwise it would be cheating).

The trick was to be called Continuum. Except that here, Continuum, a name that seems to be awfully popular RPG products. These include a set of time travel that name and that looks pretty good if one believes the criticism of his record Grog.

The only certainty at present on this new project is that it not be called Continuum!


Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Year Old With Viral Infection

Santa Gadea / sector innuendo

Open during the summer of 2009, this beautiful wall cell is discharging a bit away from the traditional sector of Santa Gadea. Pass in the shade at about 15 pm


Show innuendo on a larger map

L'ectoplasme 7a 1-ss: 7 / a +
2-The Agent Orange ss 6b: 6c
Aspiratus 3-ss: 7b
4 - (javi)? Black Bull
5-6b ff: 6c / c +
6 -?
Innuendo 7-7a + ss: 8-7b
Tardigrade ss 6b: 7a / a +
9-Hiatus 6b / c ss: 6c

Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Date A Grumman Canoe

Cami Rando on vacation in June 2010

Cami Rando does not organize hiking in summer. The return is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7.
Happy summer!

left Canigou Barbet seen in July of 2010.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Halloween What To Write On Tombstone


Little Philippe in Hecatomb

Discovered in 1998, but partially exploited so far, the site has been rejuvenated in the last two years through systematic cleaning of the top of the bar that extends to the left of the path (2009) from the bottom and right side of the valley (2010). The climbing is varied in both profiles (From big top to the wall) than in apprehensions (mono fried). Facing north-west and north, mainly in the shade of trees in summer.


Show ponty on a larger map

the parking along le grillage qui protège l'aire de captage vers la droite, tourné à gauche en continuant à  longer le grillage,puis suivre la sente qui monte et vous amène au pied de la terrasse de l'Astrolabe.
Les secteurs sont décrits de la gauche vers la droite.

Le malconfort

1- 5b
2- assis : 7b
3- assis : 6c
4- assis : 7a/b
5- Le malconfort 6a+/b assis : 7a/b
6- 6a


Les passages 3 et 4 parcourent block tested stuck the crowbar, but the rather disturbing and therefore without government guarantees (SGDG).

1 - Sitting is he sitting: 7a
2 - 7a / b
3 - SGDG 6a + b /
4 - Hazards 6a / a +
5 - Tombstone 6a + b /

6 - Ca 6b collapses
7 - sitting Thetan: 7a / b

8 - Xenu 6a / b Seated: 6c + / 7a
9 - 10 6c
- Engramme 7a + / b

Pretty heart

1 - Triste Sire seated 6c + / 7a
2 - The third leg: 5c/6a seated 7b
3 - Sire concise seated
6c 4 - Bishop sat 6c: 7b +

5 -
6 -
7 - Pretty heart 6c + / 7a
8 - Line fault 6a +


1 - sitting 6b: 7a (departure left both hands in the tank)
2 - 6c
3 - 5b seated 5c/6a
4 - seated 6c
5 - 6
4a - 4b seated 5b / c
7 - animist 6b / c
8 - Fatma 6a / a +

9 - seated
6c 10 - sat: 6c


Quentin Anti-G

1 - G Anti seated 6c +
1b-seated 7c
2 - Extreme 7a + anointing
3 - Sepsis 7b / b +

4 - 8a astrolabe
5 - Dai Laughing 7c
6 - Unplugged 7b
7 - Cabo verde 7a
8 - seated 7c


1 - Appetizers seated 4c
2 - Appetizers departure right seated: 6a
3 - Appetizers start by crossing the line from above on the dishes sitting: 6b + / c
four - Apéricube seated 6b / c
5 - The standard deviation sit (crack): 6a / b
6 - The comma: 7a + seated 7b / b +
7 - Back 6b + / c (start skipped)
7b-back without skipping:
7b 7c-back sit start ( 9 + 10 + 7): 8?
8 - Flash 7 +
8b-Flash sit start (9 + 10 + 8): 7c / c +
9 - Heatwave seated 7a
11 - Carnivore sitting (9 +11): 7b / b +
12 - Heatwave Direct out sat (9 + 12): 7a +
13 - Cartel sitting (9 + 13 + 16) through right from the niche: 7b + / c (morpho)
14 - Balance roof sat (9 + 14 + 16): 7a +
15 - (15 +16): 8?
16 - Hecatomb seated 7c
17 - Raffle 7a
17b-Hécatombola sitting (16 + 17): 7c + (8a passing directly without going to the kennel)
18 - Charnel sitting (16 + 18 + 19): 7b + / c
19 - Tribulation seated 7b
20 to 8?
21 - Carbonization sitting (19 + 18 + 16 + 14 + 11): 8a / a +
and thousands of other connections made or to be ...

completely cleaned by Quentin Bonniol. This sector can s'atteindre directly by taking the path that goes up the bottom of the valley. (Left hand uphill)

1 - Opposition: sitting 5c: 1b-6b
seated 6b / c 2
- The last coyote sitting: 6b +
3 - Morphodur seated 6a / b
4 - Smurfmeuf seated 5c
5 - Con of pressure-seated
6a + 6 - Veronica's back sat: 5b
7 - shot wad seated 5b
8 - rant seated 5a
9 - shot ass seated 4c
10 - trav-In ': opposition by starting out blow ass: 6c

sectors Coco Spijole the maggot and are located on the right side (west) of the valley and can s'atteindre directly by taking the path that goes up the bottom

Coco the maggot

1 - 4 seated
5a 2 - Coco the maggot: 5a ; seated 7a
3 - seated: 6a / b to 7a (morpho)

1-     6a   assis : 7a
2-     5b   assis : 6a
3-     5b   assis : 6c
4-     assis : 7b
5-     4c   assis : 6c+
6-     7a/b
7-     5c   assis : 7b/c
8-     assis : 6a+
The Spijoles

passages 1-7 do not come out, they stop once restored. To descend, escalation few movements, then jump.

1 - 6 b / c
2 - 7a / b
3 - 6c/7a
4 - sitting 5c: 7a
5 - 6c seated: 7a + (4 +5)
6 - 7b (exit 5 or 7)
7 - 6c seated 7a + (4 +5 +7)

The passages 8 to 15 are very committed (7-10 m) but can climb into roping (trees at the top).

8 -? (10m)
9 -
10 -
11 - dandelions by the root: 6c + / 7a (engaged, 7/8m)

12 -
13 -
14 - Last known residence: 7? (Expo and engaged: 7/8m)
15 - 6b / c (Committed: 7/8m)