Friday, July 30, 2010

Red Label Rates In Hyderabad


on holiday last night, I want to do a little update on current projects. A post every six months, okay, I like the rhythm!

Casus and Tentacles

First, Casus Belli is back and will be on sale August 4th! A very good news for role players. It is a dynamic and highly motivated who started this revival (Bravo Tristan and Stephane!) And I honor to contribute. In this first issue, I sign a scenario for Call of Cthulhu.

And it is moving in more ways than one. First, because the AoC is my game fetish, the one I played most often and always want to return. Secondly, because that's Casus, what! I vowed, young, to publish something one day and then he was dead. And that's it!

Finally, it's scary. I'm not sure my script is one such model. It's also very intimidating to write for a range that has been following more than 20 years, and in which so many things, both good and bad, were made. In short, we'll see ...


Then the campaign Hellywood becomes clear at last!

We know its title: "The Angels of Justice"!

With Raphael Andere, we take the summer to complete texts. There is still work but it really starts to look like something.

So, we publish the official blog of Helywood, Whispers, a making of sub as a newspaper campaign episodes. The first traces the origins of the project, its constraints and thematic choices. You can read it here just .

And if ...

And if not, I advance a different project, not yet announced.

is still rpg and always intended to Editions John Doe, whose peer has made me a positive opinion for now, before read more (yes, I am naturally excluded Committee Reading for this project, otherwise it would be cheating).

The trick was to be called Continuum. Except that here, Continuum, a name that seems to be awfully popular RPG products. These include a set of time travel that name and that looks pretty good if one believes the criticism of his record Grog.

The only certainty at present on this new project is that it not be called Continuum!



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