Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Do I Need To Wear Socks For Pilates

A method to calculate your budget to the arrival of a child

Thanks for your many comments on the article "How a newborn has transformed my budget ! Your help is valuable because it is a new area for me. The previous section you list all expenses related to birth, from maternity wear to changing your life insurance. But what are the specific expenditures to be budgeted for the first month of the arrival of your child? If the amounts of other expenses are conventional (adult clothing, insurance, ...), the list of needs of a newborn and costs are specific. Here is my list of "base" that could, hopefully, serve you in due course.

budget coût bébé nourrisson nouveau-né enfant 1. The bed and sleep quality of your baby

A baby sleeps a lot and his bed will be one of your biggest expenses. You will find a crib for an amount between 50 and 150 euros. A good mattress will cost from 50 to 100 euros and a round bed around 30 euros. Two fitted sheets cost 6 to 30 euros. You can buy all these elements used on ebay for a hundred euros. You'll also need a sleeping bag for about 30 euros and a cot between 20 and 100 euros. Ultimately, the budget so that your baby sleep varies between 150 and 440 euros, so a ratio of one to three.

2. Clothing your newborn

You know, the problem of baby clothes is that you do not use long. You must be careful not to crack on infant clothing which will be used only once. Basically, you'll need six pajamas, between 40 and 100 euros, six bodys , between 25 and 45 euros, four sets, 40 to 120 euros, four waistcoats , 40 and 80 euros and six pairs of socks , 15 to 40 euros. Then, for output to the outside, you buy a jacket , between 20 and 30 euros, two cups, 10 to 30 euros, and a combination driver, if your child is born during the winter between 20 and 75 euros more. The total budget for clothes for a newborn varies between 190 and 520 euros. The report there is also a factor of three.

3. The health of your baby

's point of view of hygiene, you will also have many things to consider for your newborn. You obviously think bathtub specific 15 to 30 euros, or a deck bath for 15 euros. You'll also need a bath thermometer , between 2 and 20 euros, a hair and body shampoo , between 5 and 10 euros, and a bathrobe hooded , between 10 and 20 euros. Your biggest budget item for hygiene may well to be one of the layers. A rate of 60 diapers per week, you'd better buy them in bulk. You can buy a hundred layers for an amount between 20 and 40 euros an expenditure of between 60 and 120 euros for 5 weeks. You add a changing table between 40 and 150 euros, and baby wipes , around 5 per pack. Total, Part hygiene of your baby, your overall budget varies between 137 and 355 euros, still in a ratio of one to three.

4. Food for your newborn

For baby food, you will choice between breastfeeding and bottle feeding. You guessed it, breastfeeding is equivalent to much less expensive. When breastfeeding, you should equip it with a bra suitable , between 20 and 50 euros, a breast pump , 20 to 60 euros, and disposable nursing pads , about 5 euros per box. In the case of the bottle, you buy a bottle sterilizer , 20 to 70 euros, three bottles for an amount between 12 and 30 euros a bottle warmer between 15 and 50 euros, two plastic bibs, between 10 and 15 euros and a bottle brush bottle between 4 and 8 euros. You then fill the bottle, a box of milk costing between 15 and 20 euros. You'll need about five boxes a month, a budget of between 75 and 100 euros. Overall, the budget for food for your newborn, you will spend between 45 and 115 € during lactation, and between 136 and 273 € if you feed from a bottle.

5. The stroller for your baby's movements

Finally, the budget to move with your baby is also very important. a stroller comprising a basket, a seat shell and the stroller itself will cost between 200 and 800 euros. But you can also opt for a stroller will cost between 50 and 160 euros, a sling between 30 and 60 euros and car seat that will cost you between 100 and 250 euros. You'll also need a diaper bag , sold between 20 and 60 euros. Overall, either you take a baby carrier, a stroller, car seat and diaper bag for a total minimum of 200 euros, or you buy a stroller in which everything is included, with a diaper bag and more for a total maximum of 860 euros.

How to divide your budget by three newborn

If you add all necessary expenses for the first month of the arrival of your baby, you get a budget that ranges between 722 euros and 2448 euros. You can easily spend much more, especially if you have no budget.

You understand then all the interest to follow a budget: providing your expenses in advance, first you anticipate funding, on the other hand you can control their amounts.

In the case of the budget for your new baby, two or three hours past to recover all this information can be divided by more than three your budget without depriving yourself of anything. 1700 euros unspent for 3 hours, it's like if you were paid 566 euros an hour.

How to spend less this budget

newborn between 722 to 2448 euros is just a token. You can spend less, especially if your friends can lend you a bed or a stroller and clothing offers baby gifts.

This budget may be a good base if you plan to list your birth does not end up with 15 to be quickly pajamas too small. You can use it to track what you do not need to buy.

You can also spend less if you suspect that some objects are not necessary. I think for example to the sterilizer and bottle warmer, although in my case these elements do not decrease the amount of the minimum budget.

The method for calculating these amounts

I found these prices while surfing the internet. Lowest come either from ebay, to get an idea of the rates in time, of price comparison is available on google when you type the words "cot" for example.

The highest rates are from the websites of brands that make their advertising on Google. Suffice to say that you can find any cheaper for certain articles and more expensive without worries.

I think the rates I found are a good idea of the overall budget to provide for the arrival of a child, on average. This is all you need to buy the first month. The following months, some elements such as food, diapers and clothes and shoes will be recurring. Soon you will also add the cost of child care.

Did you think the budget for the arrival of a newborn was of this magnitude? Did you imagine that such gains were possible through budget tracking? What are the expenses that, according your experience, you seem unnecessary or otherwise missing?

Credit: Vato Bob

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