Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Zcc Christian Church Songs

5 points essential for you to decide between a contract of life insurance and capitalization

Have you ever heard of capitalization contracts? What should you know about them? Like me, you occasionally hear the term "endowment contract." It retains an element of mystery because it is restricted to attending an elite private banks. Is this an investment tool that you should use? Or product does not he answer your needs? It I invite you to discover through 5 key points that will help you differentiate capitalization contracts and life insurance.

contrat de capitalisation isf fiscalite assurance-vie 1. Equivalent to an investment life insurance

An endowment contract offers the same financial instruments that a contract of life insurance. You'll find a fund in euros, fund accounting unit (Sicav, FCP). Your costs will be identical. Taxation will be the same for your withdrawals. In terms of pure financial investment, nothing distinguishes the endowment contract of life insurance contract. Why to subscribe?

2. Life insurance without life insurance

You do not cons by beneficiary clause to be filled with an endowment contract. Indeed, your contract does not dissolve when you die. Your heirs will have to pay inheritance tax on your endowment contract. Life insurance is more interesting on this point.

3. A dismemberment of ownership possible

The endowment contract is not linked to the death of the subscriber, however you can give to another person. You can even create a dismemberment of ownership by separating the bare ownership and enjoyment of your endowment contract.

4. Conservation tax antérioté

When your estate, your endowment contract sent to your heirs retain its tax anticipation. If your contract has over 8 years, they pay the minimum taxes on their capital gains realized with this contract. It is also the case when you share your contract to another person (dismemberment).

you can, as suggested by Timothy reviews, purchase an endowment contract for a specific purpose, such as paying your children's education, then once the target is achieved, forward it to your children which will then benefit from tax antérioté contract. A nice gift.

5. Interest to subject to the ISF

For calculations of the ISF (wealth tax), your payments are only taken into account for the value of your contract is taxable. If you placed your money on bad media, you lose money and you pay too much ISF compared to the amount you have left on this investment. But if your investments relate well, you pay less than you should ISF if the actual amount of your investment was taken into account.

Clearly, the endowment contract is interesting that if you are subject to the ISF. Regular readers will recall that in a recent article in the Tontine proved even more interesting for people subject to the ISF .


your best interest to know all the investment products available to know which will best meet your needs. The endowment contract will be interesting in addition to a contract of life insurance and if you are subject to the ISF. Personally I do not count in the short or medium term to purchase an endowment contract.

from your side do you have an endowment contract? If yes, what is your feedback? On what basis would you recommend the readers to If you do not have an endowment contract, what additional information would you know about this product?

Credit: unkreatives

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Note: This article has been amended following comments very relevant to readers. Point 4 was been changed from "No exemption of capital gains" to "Conservation of prior tax.


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