Friday, February 12, 2010

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"All Marketers Are Liars" by Seth Godin

Several weeks ago I encouraged you to read 6 books Personal MBA available in French . The books you help develop new skills that are useful to make more money, whether in your daily work or new businesses. I must admit that a priori the book by Seth Godin "All Marketers Are Liars" left me skeptical. I think there are too many ads that make you want things you do not need. Advertising makes you spend more. Why would I want to inflict it on others? What was therefore able to bring me reading the book from Seth Godin?

Seth Godin tous les marketeurs sont des menteurs all marketers are liars Customers buy the story you tell

Seth Godin's book is replete with examples of what you can marketing. An early example of you talking Georg Riedel that sells very expensive to simple wine glasses. All scientific studies show that the glass has no impact on the taste of wine. But the wine critics believe the story told by Georg Riedel and certify that the wine is better in his glasses. Result: Georg Riedel has made a fortune.

Through such examples, Seth Godin explains that if your business works, you need to tell a beautiful story, true, coherent and authentic, that is to say that you really live. Georg Riedel believes his glasses improve the taste of wine. Throughout the pages, Seth Godin explains the criteria for creating such a story. Inevitably, you think what you offer to others and how you can help tell your story to your boss or your customers.

For Seth Godin, the marketing tells a good story that consumers choose to believe. Marketing is then the most powerful force for those who want to make a change. Its importance is crucial.

know the tricks of marketing, you can better consume

Your needs and goals are practical, so that your desires are irrational and subjective. The story you says marketing a product will therefore play on your desires. Think about it while shopping! As consumers, you buy what you want and not what you need. If you think about the reason for your purchases, you can choose better, live better your purchases and therefore your expenses. Do I really need this product? What other product only fill my need? Am I really willing to surrender to this desire?

If you launch a product, think about satisfy the desires, not needs. Because you will always find someone to satisfy this need for less than you. The story you tell about your product is unique to you. The example of Sports presented by Seth Godin in "All Marketers Are Liars" is exemplary. Producing a pair of basketball will cost 3 euros and you find for sale at 20 euros. Yet the sneaker 120 euros are selling like hotcakes. The buyer of a pair of basketball to 120 euros is not said that his foot will be better maintained or that the base will be better. No, this buyer said it will look cool with these sneakers and they show success!

The recipe for a story great and true

We do not want the same thing, and Seth Godin urges you to find a worldview that is neglected, and adapt your story to this audience. Ideally, this niche is ready for your product and be able to influence a wider group of friends to spread your story. Seth Godin explains that the desire to do the same thing as the people we admire is the glue that allows our companies to remain united.

When you find the story you'll tell your product, the color of your story becomes more important than the story itself: what words, what colors, what font, what images, what packaging, What media and what price will you choose ?

My opinion about "All Marketers Are Liars"

confess "All Marketers Are Liars" by Seth Godin has transformed my view of marketing. This book teaches you how to do good marketing. You need it because you are communicating all the time, you are not alone in the world, you need to find a job to start your business, etc..

Reading this book, I have not stopped taking notes because the product ideas and stories that went along with flocking. It was always the case in the rereading. It is a book that has reconciled me with people marketing. Not all, but the few who are aware of their responsibility and pay attention to the story told to the consumer. Seth Godin takes the opportunity to denounce the bad marketing that lies to you and disappoints you once bought their product.

The topic as presented is very easy to read and you will learn to know your product, your service or your application in the flow of information throughout the world is flooded. The book has many examples of companies you know. It allows you to better understand your world and your business. I can only recommend it.

Have you read "All Marketers Are Liars" by Seth Godin ? What do you think that this book has given you? What are the limits of this book is your view? Would you recommend it to your friends?

Rating: 8 / 10

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