Friday, February 5, 2010

Hives Swollen Feet And Ankles Sore Joints

3 ways to obtain reliable financial information for your investments

All studies show that investing in financial markets over the long term is what will earn you the more. But who to trust to get information to help you decide which markets to invest? In a previous article, I explained why you can not trust your banker or financial media traditional . Where would you turn? How Do I carry myself? And if you get the information to the source as a professional?

How to get to the source

If you study the various funds in which you invest, you will find that the most successful are not those issued by banks. Most often performing funds are issued by companies specialized management. Now these companies are at your disposal a wealth of information to make you want to trust them. They do not need to seduce the public with traditional advertising. They are addressed to an informed public that is searching for information.

Take the example of Carmignac Management. You can get on their website all the presentations from the last quarterly meeting of Carmignac Gestion . Each fund management company is reviewed by his manager, with an analysis of past performance but also an analysis on the months ahead of the market where it ranks. You can agree or disagree with the manager, but at least you get the information at source, without bias, without loss of time. You have all the elements to easily decide if you want to trust him or not. You get inside information by your target market: markets emerging, the United States, Europe, bonds, ...

How to benefit from new media

New media now allow management companies to provide information more regularly at each quarterly meeting. Some management companies have launched their own Internet television. This applies, for example web TV Rothschild & Cie Gestion .

You go to focus on different markets, possible scenarios for the coming year, the strategies of managers society, at regular intervals (approximately every month). These programs allow you to monitor fund managers that you can subscribe to understand their strategy for the months to come, remember the important points to make your decisions on the short and medium term.

How to access information for professionals

You can now access contracts at a lower cost on the Internet. The downside is that you must decide without the benefit of advice from an IFA. An IFA (Wealth Management Advisor Independent) is a specialist who offers different contracts it has chosen the best in the market as it seeks customers. IFAs knows a good financial markets for years and knows how to advise you according to your financial goals. Must still find a good IFA. And if you could access the information for IFAs?

I recommend for example Heritage TV, a television broadcast on the Internet whose content is aimed at IFAs . If you are new financial investments, you may not understand everything. But look at the example programs on the year-end balances of funds or focus macroeconomics made by various market participants. You get in minutes rather than the market vision of a society but the most important ones. You have all the elements to make your own opinion that the risks you're willing to take. Each flash lasts less than 5 minutes and you will find different types of emissions, such as where IFAs raise questions of their clients to fund managers.

You can now get financial information directly to the source, with the fund manager to whom you have or intend to enroll. Best you can, watching once months since the focus in your market, know what's important to remember for the coming months in different markets, so adjust your strategy.

Did you know these means to obtain financial information directly? Do you know of others you would recommend? Which you find most interesting for you?

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