Saturday, June 5, 2010

Can I Take Creatine If I Have Acid Reflux

  • Tuesday June 1, 7:30: HIKING FOR ALL; Port Vendres / Galina. IGN map 2549OT. Elevation 450m, 5H walk, easy.
  • Tuesday, June 8, 7:30: Surprise Hike and greedy. Registration required.
  • 5-8 June Weekend in Camprieu. Registration required.
  • Tuesday, June 15, 7:30: The Lakes Nohèdes.
  • Friday, June 18: Canigou. Info to follow. Three groups: around lakes / Joffre / by Barbet.
  • Tuesday, June 22, 7:30: Tour of the Peak Coucouroucouil. IGN 2349ET map, elevation 800m, 6H walk, medium level.
  • June 29, 7:00: Costabonne, from Conques. Map IGN 2349ET, 1400m elevation, hiking time 7H, level hard
  • Tuesday, July 6: end of season meal info to follow.
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H.


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