Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Breasts Are Enlarged And Sore

Commit yourself these errors by choosing your sources of financial information?

You've decided to stop relying solely on your monthly payment and invest your savings to make them grow. Bravo! But what markets will you invest? Where will you find credible advice when you have little time to devote to it and you're starting? Can you trust the traditional intermediaries, your banker or columnists of radio, television and print media? Here is my feedback for your search of the best markets do not turn into a nightmare.

banquier médias financiers marches erreur your neighborhood banker

Your banker is a financial intermediary, which traditionally you do trust. He advises you to subscribe to products that suit your financial situation. My personal experience is that it often does not know in detail the product it sells. New products come out regularly, they are increasingly complex, and your banker may not be perfectly formed to control all these products. Especially since it offers not only investment products.

Also note that the premium touches your bank each month is the number of bad stuff happens to sell to its customers. The products sell well all alone. It is less financial incentive to sell them to you. There is nothing wrong with that, your banker is a merchant, its bad products must be recouped. But bear in mind that your banker can not be impartial: his interest is not always the same as yours.

Add to this neighborhood, your banker does not know better manage its assets as you and me. Bankers for their business benefit from credit rate so low that the vast majority of benefits and is constantly in debt. Your banker is perhaps not the best person from whom take advice. Once you've spent some time reading you discover by talking to your banker that you know more than him.

The financial media

Whether radio, television or print media, live media advertising. Their primary interest is not to alienate their advertisers. The fact that you provide the best advice is secondary. We must eat. But when a financial product is good, it does not need publicity. The performance is noticeable and affluent subscribers. The bad products need publicity. Therefore it is not surprising that the list funds provided by some journals "forgets" to mention the funds more efficient than those of their advertisers. Compare the list of the best performing fund performance on and your preferred medium for realizing it.

Many media you intend to follow their portfolio every month. A good way to get back. But if the advice from the specialist media were so good, they would not need to sell their information to live . They would earn enough money from their own investments. The results displayed in their portfolios are often disappointing. But if you start, you do not know and you imagine that this is the best result it is possible to achieve with the "best" products from their advertisers.

few months ago I listened every morning BFM. Economic information posted allowed me to anticipate major trends across the different opinions given. Since the crisis of late 2008, I no longer listen to BFM. Every morning the scenario was the same: "Stay tuned for what happens this morning is really exceptional, our world will never be the same, we give you all the details in a moment." There followed several minutes of commercials with a volume higher. Anxiety creates a greater audience and greater hearing generates more advertising. Unfortunately the media abuse and there is a time when the cost is too high for you. You can find a better information for less money, that is to say without being under the influence of advertisements that are imposed on you.

The video below is a good example. If you look at these TV news every day, what did you do? Difficult to such pressure, backed by those around you who see the same images, not to sell vosd financial investments in a few days or few weeks. You would pass for a madman. You're left influence but it was a mistake. When you sell at the market bottom, you realize heavy losses. Now on my portfolio, the potential losses of 2008 were largely offset by gains in 2009.

I'm not saying there is no good bankers or media integrity who do their job well. But do their job is not necessarily offer the best products and advice. Their interests and yours may differ regularly. What you must realize, is that these contacts are only additional intermediaries between you and the reality of markets and financial products. With that it induces distortion of information, interest and additional costs for you (not just financial costs).

Imagine you have taken out a life insurance contract on the internet because the costs are cheaper. In return you have zero advice. At least you do not have a banker to do you recommend that houses products. You decide to distrust the media and trying to decipher the current economic trends to guess. You learn from your mistakes but the process will be long.

How you move from middle and get information on markets closer to the source? Getting the right information to make your choice without spending hours? I'll introduce in the next article the three ways I use to get my market information before making my choice.

What is your own experience of information that you provide your banking and financial media? They allow you to choose the right markets for your investments over the medium to long term?

Photo credit: celine nadeau

If you enjoyed this article, you'll love also:
- What the financial media does not want you to know
- Make sure these errors by choosing your financial advice?
- Easy to follow your fund ratings

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Zcc Christian Church Songs

5 points essential for you to decide between a contract of life insurance and capitalization

Have you ever heard of capitalization contracts? What should you know about them? Like me, you occasionally hear the term "endowment contract." It retains an element of mystery because it is restricted to attending an elite private banks. Is this an investment tool that you should use? Or product does not he answer your needs? It I invite you to discover through 5 key points that will help you differentiate capitalization contracts and life insurance.

contrat de capitalisation isf fiscalite assurance-vie 1. Equivalent to an investment life insurance

An endowment contract offers the same financial instruments that a contract of life insurance. You'll find a fund in euros, fund accounting unit (Sicav, FCP). Your costs will be identical. Taxation will be the same for your withdrawals. In terms of pure financial investment, nothing distinguishes the endowment contract of life insurance contract. Why to subscribe?

2. Life insurance without life insurance

You do not cons by beneficiary clause to be filled with an endowment contract. Indeed, your contract does not dissolve when you die. Your heirs will have to pay inheritance tax on your endowment contract. Life insurance is more interesting on this point.

3. A dismemberment of ownership possible

The endowment contract is not linked to the death of the subscriber, however you can give to another person. You can even create a dismemberment of ownership by separating the bare ownership and enjoyment of your endowment contract.

4. Conservation tax antérioté

When your estate, your endowment contract sent to your heirs retain its tax anticipation. If your contract has over 8 years, they pay the minimum taxes on their capital gains realized with this contract. It is also the case when you share your contract to another person (dismemberment).

you can, as suggested by Timothy reviews, purchase an endowment contract for a specific purpose, such as paying your children's education, then once the target is achieved, forward it to your children which will then benefit from tax antérioté contract. A nice gift.

5. Interest to subject to the ISF

For calculations of the ISF (wealth tax), your payments are only taken into account for the value of your contract is taxable. If you placed your money on bad media, you lose money and you pay too much ISF compared to the amount you have left on this investment. But if your investments relate well, you pay less than you should ISF if the actual amount of your investment was taken into account.

Clearly, the endowment contract is interesting that if you are subject to the ISF. Regular readers will recall that in a recent article in the Tontine proved even more interesting for people subject to the ISF .


your best interest to know all the investment products available to know which will best meet your needs. The endowment contract will be interesting in addition to a contract of life insurance and if you are subject to the ISF. Personally I do not count in the short or medium term to purchase an endowment contract.

from your side do you have an endowment contract? If yes, what is your feedback? On what basis would you recommend the readers to If you do not have an endowment contract, what additional information would you know about this product?

Credit: unkreatives

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- The 6 benefits of Tontine you should know
- Life or PEA: the game (1st round)
- Differentiate background and unit-linked fund

Note: This article has been amended following comments very relevant to readers. Point 4 was been changed from "No exemption of capital gains" to "Conservation of prior tax.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How Should A Brazilian Wax Look

no inhibitions and to revive a bit "or bulky (because we hide it ... it's been dead for too long !), we finally cracked the mystery of the basement of St. Roch Mail.
In fact, let himself be fooled by the menu displayed proudly on the Rue du Pont, who described the lunch specials for the most part no more expensive than $ 7 ...

The location, just desert, to suggest a glorious past, a lot more with enough room to accommodate a crowd of hungry people in crisis fried potato ... You let
be seduced by the club sandwich and the roast beef sandwich that we are served with pride and enthusiasm by the cook himself ... and not failing to be welcomed: "In any case, y 'is one who will die not hungry at noon ... it is not you c't'assiette beautiful!"

Well, except maybe the chicken cool in the club, everything is perfect! Good service and good food for cheap!

Three good balls well deserved!

Friday, December 11, 2009

2004 Suburban Tire Air Pressure

General Assembly in January 2010 14 January 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010 will be held in 20H General Assembly Cami Rando, in the 3rd room to Ortaffa age. On the agenda include the adjustment of status, the change of the Board of Directors and the minutes of 2009.
After we share the cake of kings.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Do I Need To Wear Socks For Pilates

A method to calculate your budget to the arrival of a child

Thanks for your many comments on the article "How a newborn has transformed my budget ! Your help is valuable because it is a new area for me. The previous section you list all expenses related to birth, from maternity wear to changing your life insurance. But what are the specific expenditures to be budgeted for the first month of the arrival of your child? If the amounts of other expenses are conventional (adult clothing, insurance, ...), the list of needs of a newborn and costs are specific. Here is my list of "base" that could, hopefully, serve you in due course.

budget coût bébé nourrisson nouveau-né enfant 1. The bed and sleep quality of your baby

A baby sleeps a lot and his bed will be one of your biggest expenses. You will find a crib for an amount between 50 and 150 euros. A good mattress will cost from 50 to 100 euros and a round bed around 30 euros. Two fitted sheets cost 6 to 30 euros. You can buy all these elements used on ebay for a hundred euros. You'll also need a sleeping bag for about 30 euros and a cot between 20 and 100 euros. Ultimately, the budget so that your baby sleep varies between 150 and 440 euros, so a ratio of one to three.

2. Clothing your newborn

You know, the problem of baby clothes is that you do not use long. You must be careful not to crack on infant clothing which will be used only once. Basically, you'll need six pajamas, between 40 and 100 euros, six bodys , between 25 and 45 euros, four sets, 40 to 120 euros, four waistcoats , 40 and 80 euros and six pairs of socks , 15 to 40 euros. Then, for output to the outside, you buy a jacket , between 20 and 30 euros, two cups, 10 to 30 euros, and a combination driver, if your child is born during the winter between 20 and 75 euros more. The total budget for clothes for a newborn varies between 190 and 520 euros. The report there is also a factor of three.

3. The health of your baby

's point of view of hygiene, you will also have many things to consider for your newborn. You obviously think bathtub specific 15 to 30 euros, or a deck bath for 15 euros. You'll also need a bath thermometer , between 2 and 20 euros, a hair and body shampoo , between 5 and 10 euros, and a bathrobe hooded , between 10 and 20 euros. Your biggest budget item for hygiene may well to be one of the layers. A rate of 60 diapers per week, you'd better buy them in bulk. You can buy a hundred layers for an amount between 20 and 40 euros an expenditure of between 60 and 120 euros for 5 weeks. You add a changing table between 40 and 150 euros, and baby wipes , around 5 per pack. Total, Part hygiene of your baby, your overall budget varies between 137 and 355 euros, still in a ratio of one to three.

4. Food for your newborn

For baby food, you will choice between breastfeeding and bottle feeding. You guessed it, breastfeeding is equivalent to much less expensive. When breastfeeding, you should equip it with a bra suitable , between 20 and 50 euros, a breast pump , 20 to 60 euros, and disposable nursing pads , about 5 euros per box. In the case of the bottle, you buy a bottle sterilizer , 20 to 70 euros, three bottles for an amount between 12 and 30 euros a bottle warmer between 15 and 50 euros, two plastic bibs, between 10 and 15 euros and a bottle brush bottle between 4 and 8 euros. You then fill the bottle, a box of milk costing between 15 and 20 euros. You'll need about five boxes a month, a budget of between 75 and 100 euros. Overall, the budget for food for your newborn, you will spend between 45 and 115 € during lactation, and between 136 and 273 € if you feed from a bottle.

5. The stroller for your baby's movements

Finally, the budget to move with your baby is also very important. a stroller comprising a basket, a seat shell and the stroller itself will cost between 200 and 800 euros. But you can also opt for a stroller will cost between 50 and 160 euros, a sling between 30 and 60 euros and car seat that will cost you between 100 and 250 euros. You'll also need a diaper bag , sold between 20 and 60 euros. Overall, either you take a baby carrier, a stroller, car seat and diaper bag for a total minimum of 200 euros, or you buy a stroller in which everything is included, with a diaper bag and more for a total maximum of 860 euros.

How to divide your budget by three newborn

If you add all necessary expenses for the first month of the arrival of your baby, you get a budget that ranges between 722 euros and 2448 euros. You can easily spend much more, especially if you have no budget.

You understand then all the interest to follow a budget: providing your expenses in advance, first you anticipate funding, on the other hand you can control their amounts.

In the case of the budget for your new baby, two or three hours past to recover all this information can be divided by more than three your budget without depriving yourself of anything. 1700 euros unspent for 3 hours, it's like if you were paid 566 euros an hour.

How to spend less this budget

newborn between 722 to 2448 euros is just a token. You can spend less, especially if your friends can lend you a bed or a stroller and clothing offers baby gifts.

This budget may be a good base if you plan to list your birth does not end up with 15 to be quickly pajamas too small. You can use it to track what you do not need to buy.

You can also spend less if you suspect that some objects are not necessary. I think for example to the sterilizer and bottle warmer, although in my case these elements do not decrease the amount of the minimum budget.

The method for calculating these amounts

I found these prices while surfing the internet. Lowest come either from ebay, to get an idea of the rates in time, of price comparison is available on google when you type the words "cot" for example.

The highest rates are from the websites of brands that make their advertising on Google. Suffice to say that you can find any cheaper for certain articles and more expensive without worries.

I think the rates I found are a good idea of the overall budget to provide for the arrival of a child, on average. This is all you need to buy the first month. The following months, some elements such as food, diapers and clothes and shoes will be recurring. Soon you will also add the cost of child care.

Did you think the budget for the arrival of a newborn was of this magnitude? Did you imagine that such gains were possible through budget tracking? What are the expenses that, according your experience, you seem unnecessary or otherwise missing?

Credit: Vato Bob

If you enjoyed this article, you'll love:
- How a newborn has transformed my budget
- How to track my budget regularly brought me 200 euros more in February
- 16 free software to manage your budget

Monday, November 30, 2009

Floral Gym Leotard 80-90s

Program in December 2009

  • Tuesday, December 1, 7:30: Las Cabanas - Fontpedrouse. WALKING FOR EVERYONE. IGN2250ET card. Easy-4H Elevation 350m Yellow Train from Fontpedrouse, Bath St. Thomas (not shorts!)
  • Tuesday, December 8, 7:30 Col de Jou - The Red Mattes. IGN 2349ET. Elevation 700m, 7H walking, difficulty Middle
  • Tuesday, December 15, Meals Info end of the season to follow ...
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to 16H about.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jason Comet Chaser Reflector Telescope Model 323

Pointe Hare - version

We ordered the pizza on Friday and we wanted to change Wellat (an option while satisfactory). Because the burgers we had impressed the other day at the restaurant tip hares one was curious to try the pizza. It's a bit pricey: $ 19 for 2 ten inch trimmed. They say it is the special 2 for 1 but I would be surprised that a single 10 "costs $ 19.

The pizza is good enough at all, but they are kind of tomato sauce instead of pizza sauce and it makes a pizza a little more bland than one would like, he misses the taste of herbs. The crust is also better in Wellat.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Kingdom Hearts 2 Where Are The Four Medallions

What is the most reliable bank to deposit your money

What is your main criterion for choosing your bank? Your money must first be safe. You must have confidence in the ability of your bank to make your money when you needed. Would you let your money in a bank saddled with debt? Your chances of ever seeing the color of your deposits would be greatly reduced. Exactly what is the debt ratio of French banks? How do they behave compared to their foreign competitors? What can you do with this information? Which banks are most reliable?

dettes banques françaises fiables choix international standards of bank debt

The Bank for International Settlements states in the famous Basel II rules of caution apply to all commercial banks. The debt limit not to exceed a bank is 12.5 times its equity. What about our banks to French? What is it for U.S. banks shamed when the 2008 crisis? What are good students who actually apply those criteria necessary for your money?

The debt ratio of French banks

These figures are from reports published by banks. I found them through two sites I recommend: blog Lupus, which analyzes the timeliness of Economy and Finance , led me through a link to the blog Jean-Pierre Chevallier, Business Economist . Figures are in billions.

Name Total debts Equity Ratio
Societe Generale 1016 42.7 23.8
Credit Agricole 1562 43.7 35.7
BNP Paribas 2233 56.7 39.3
Lehman Brothers 639.4 26.3 24.3
Bank of America 2 193.4 197.2 11.1
JP Morgan 1 886.9 154.1 12.2
Citigroup 1888, 6 140.8 13.4

How to read this table? The total debt of BNP Paribas, for example, represents more than 39 times the amount of equity! I remind you that the limit is not exceeded by 12.5 times! A total debts exceed GDP BNP Paribas of France, which is 2 000 billion. And our debt is itself about 74% of our GDP. The debts of France and its banks make me dizzy!

Americans did a cleanup with the crisis. Lehman Brothers was bankrupt because it did not meet the standards of banking prudence. It should clean up the U.S. banking system and measures were taken. Other U.S. banks comply with these standards as you can see in the picture. Why the French state intervenes not it?

Do you approach your banker for advice on managing your finances? Forget it because he does not know himself properly manage his own! Would you state that you learn in school to manage your money? This would at least be a skill that would help you throughout your life. But our state can not handle his money, he is also indebted. What do you think you learn? Last question: why the media do they speak as of the 3.4 billion profit made by BNP Paribas in 2009?

How to use this information to your finances?

There are banks in France, whose debt ratio is correct. These few small banks and local family. As the owner family has invested his money, it does not do anything or be in debt. Some banks operations in France also meet this criterion debt. Of course this criterion should not be the one to guide your choice. He serves on a first screening.

From my point of view, the basic rule is to not put all your eggs in one basket. Do not all your money in one bank. Besides the investment products offered by banks are rarely the best. For my part, I have a bank account for my current one for my short-term investments. My long-term investments are not in a bank but in specialized companies. Finally attention to the fact that large banks have many branches. Before you commit, check who owns ultimately the company that you intend to entrust your money. For example Boursorama Bank, whose costs are lowest, is a subsidiary of Societe Generale.

Is Your bank debt in a reasonable manner? What are you doing now that you have the information? What do you think of indebtedness of the major French banks and our state? And silence the media?

Credit: crcollins

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- Do not pay your credit card
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- Divide by 3 your bank charges

Friday, November 13, 2009

Emerald Cheats Dont Work

How a newborn has transformed my budget

A newborn is one of the greatest gifts you can give life. The good news is that a girl will come to expand our family in March 2010. What happiness! This means that our 2010 budget will have to take it into account. Many cases must be purchased to accommodate a newborn. How to predict the budget when you're just parents for the first time? How not to fall into the excesses of buying too many beautiful things that serve little or your baby?

budget nouveau-né argent bébé achats naissance More I think about it the more I tell myself that this baby will change our habits with money. Your priorities change, new recurrent appear important, such as child care expenses, and others disappear. With a baby, you go out less often in restaurants for example. Overall, you should expect to lower your standard of living. That makes sense: you have more people living on the same amount of revenue. Try to list all expenses related to the arrival of a newborn in order to establish a realistic budget. Here's my list so far, followed by some gains, not to overlook such a change entails.

12 expenses not to forget your budget baby

1. Changes in your income : pregnancy may cause prolonged work stoppages, and when your child is born you will have less time to generate income. The "good" news is that if your income is down, your taxes will follow the same slope.

2. Maternity wear : from the belly of the mother grows, new clothes, special, must be purchased. They serve maybe six months, but almost all the wardrobe that is impacted.

3. Medical : whether or not mandatory medical visits, depending on the condition of the mother, the health budget increases, not to mention the cost of childbirth can be substantial.

4. Food : once it is born, your baby should be fed too. The budget is lower if the mother breastfeeds her child. Bottle feeding is equivalent to much more expensive.

5. Hygiene : you buy specific products to protect your baby's skin. You buy too many layers. The solution of cloth diapers reduces invoice.

6. Baby Equipment : not only did he need clothes, but it also keeps growing, making clothing too small in no time. Your newborn will also need a bed, a stroller, a car seat ...

7. care expenses : at least you'll have the expense of the baby-sitter, which you must add those of the nursery or childminder, the amount can vary depending on your resources.

8. Toys : you crack it and add new toys, so he might prefer playing with cardboard boxes, plus all the parties (Birthday, Christmas ...)

9. Heating and electricity : parents hotter when a newborn is in the house, to be sure it was not cold. Meals to be heated, additional baths, room and more light and heat ... financial costs.

10. Accidental Death : a birth is an opportunity to review your insurance and increase monthly payments to allow more money to the survivors, many more, should the worst happen.

11. Events around birth: a birth is an occasion to review all your friends pressenter the newborn and possibly celebrate a baptism. These events will cost money, just as many photos or videos that you keep in memory of those moments.

12. Fresh expansion : I put in this category are expenses that may be needed, such as changing the flat for an extra room, or change cars to carry more passengers and luggage. These are huge numbers that you should remember when setting up your budget. 4

earnings on which you can count at birth

1. Less taxes You can benefit from state subsidies, but also reduce your tax because your number of shares increases.

2. Less output : Your Newborn asking you to spend a lot of time, your life will become more sedentary. You'll have less spending at restaurants, cinemas, museums and travel.

3. Less work-related expenses : with your parental leave and your possible work stoppages will reduce expenses related to going to work (transportation, restaurant for lunch, clothing, ...)

4. More gifts around you : The birth gifts offered by your family and friends to help you spend less, provided that you do not receive 10 copies of the same garment too small.

I'm not sure my list is exhaustive. If you already have children, you may have noticed other items of expenditure which I do not think and that will allow me to better calculate my budget. In a future article, I will detail the specific costs generated by the newborn, so as to finalize your budget with a good idea of the amounts at stake

Did you think that there were many expenses related to the arrival a newborn? With your feedback, what expenses have been forgotten? What trick do you use to reduce these expenses? Some expenses would they be useless in your opinion?

Photo credit: Jon Ovington

If you enjoyed this article, you'll love:
- Top 16 freeware money management online
- Spend less time on your finances
- What is your financial lifestyle?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beach Names In Chennai

pizza restaurant AlBalad

Located opposite the intermarché on St. Joseph, the restaurant serves good sandwiches AlBalad falafel, shish Taouk, and souvlaki for about $ 5.5. They are garnished with salad, pickled turnips (purple sticks) and tomato wedges. Humus to the falafel and garlic mayo in the Shish Taouk. Can also ask for hot sauce (but not spicy enough for our liking). The falafel is good with the garlic mayo.

It tastes like at Amir, not as tasty but better than the Sultan El Bacha. Garlic potatoes are good too but expect to belch of garlic for hours)

269 Rue Saint-Joseph Est, Quebec
(418) 522-0101

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kates Playground Posing On Car

The 15 books recommended by readers

You do not learn in school to manage your finances while this skill you will need throughout your life. How then can you effectively train? Integrating community and read this blog regularly is a good idea. Buy the best books in the field of personal finance will also help you tremendously. but how to find the best books among the thousands that are available ? If you could find out what are the books that readers of read most, you have hands the good list.

A good way to help our community grow is click on the links when a book is criticized in an article. These links take you generally on Amazon: You do not need to search the book in question and you get the lowest cost. If you buy at this time on Amazon, a small commission is paid to without it costing you more money. Everyone wins. This commission can invest more time and money in the community It also allows to get statistics on most books bought by readers and you benefit from this information. Every purchase is a vote for a book. Here in the order of 15 books recommended by the community

1. Prosperity Strategy (read review)

2. How to Win Friends

3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective everything they (read review)

4. Organizing for Success: Getting Things Done (GTD) (read review)

5. The Art of the Start: The road guide for any entrepreneur (read review)

6. The 4-Hour Workweek (read review)

7. How I became a rentier in 4 years (read review)

8. The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy (read review)

9. Convince in less than 2 minutes

10. The Little Red Book of Sales (read review)

11. Think and Grow Rich

12. Learning to learn

13. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets To Success, One Relationship At A Time (read review)

14. 10 Days to Faster Reading

15. Everyone deserves to be rich

Among the dozens of different books purchased, because I will not list the top 15 most read cost less than ten euros. Some are below three dollars! Both say that the quality / price of this training is unbeatable! You will also notice that in this list are well positioned French books Personal MBA that I have proposed to read in 2009. You finally find some books listed have been no recommendation on This applies, for example Everyone deserves to be rich or Convincing in less than 2 minutes . Finally, the books are not in English coast which is a pity because I found all the best: The Bogleheads Guide To Investing or Your Money or Your Life among others.

From my side, I'll look more closely at the books that readers buy them, but they were recommended on this blog because I have no doubt they are interesting. And you, what books have you read in this list? What have they brought? After reading this list, what are the next books that you want to buy or offer your loved ones a gift?

If you enjoyed this article, you'll love:
- The full list of book reviews
- Grow like crazy through the Personal MBA
- Read these 6 books and you spend an MBA

Friday, November 6, 2009

Dog Has Large Lump On Chest

Restaurant Jacques Cartier

If I had to find a hiding place for a port time, this would be the door at the back of the dining room of the restaurant Jacques-Cartier, or rather "Chez Rosie" as a banner ad on the inside. Rosie breathe in another age. Besides, we still feel a faint smell of cigarettes even though the dining room is surrounded by messages from the smoking ban. An impressive collection of curios throne on a tablet takes a bit of wall. The greenish atmosphere gives us the impression of being in a movie. While waiting for my cheeseburger, I realize that customers, who are all gathered at the back of the restaurant, go out the back door, and here I turn that every customer is the home for the elderly which is directly behind Chez Rosie!

The cheese comes in, I touch my plate to approach it, it's all sticky fat (like an old stove hood), probably why there is a napkin between the plate and the burger. The very small cheeseburger is good after all, the bread is toasted, the ball is good but very thin, a right mix of sauce and raw onions. $ 3.50 is correct but it has a hard time passing over the sad aspect of the presentation of the burger, which is not helped by the green surrounding the restaurant.

The menu is quite varied: club-sandwich chopped steak, poutine menu with soup and dessert, etc..

189, rue Saint-Joseph Est, Quebec 418-648-1504

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trust Tablet Configuration

4 simple steps to deal with your debt if your income decreases

is the crisis and economic activity decreases. Many people lose their jobs or seeing their incomes melt like snow in the sun. How to cope if you have debts to repay? A reader asked me over this issue today by mail. I think many readers would be interested in my answer of where this article which may give rise to a discussion with other opinions. I'm not in this situation today but I also know that an outsider can easily take a step back from such a situation. And if these financial difficulties accounted for precisely the right opportunity to become richer?

argent dette remboursement credit emploi 1. The psychological aspect

I know it's cash you need. But come to think of five minutes, you will understand how you look and see things changes everything. I know people who find it normal to be discovered every month. Personally, if I do not precautionary fund my loan in case of need, it becomes my number one priority. As if I was in danger financially. Some years ago I finished, like many, the month with my bank account close to zero. Your way of thinking changes your priorities and therefore your bottom line.

What results will you get if you think you are in for some tough times financially, that you'll have to tighten their belts, you can not do anything? How will you feel ? Would it not be better to tell you that it is not possible, that enough is enough, you never want to find yourself in such a financial situation? You never want to worry about not having enough for your family tomorrow? Rebellion can be a great motivation to change your behavior vis-à-vis money and establish, finally, actions that will help you achieve your financial goals.

If you approach this situation with the best possible mental, you know for example by speaking calmly around and get appropriate help from your friends, instead of being ashamed, to keep it to yourself and you fend for himself. The mind is essential when it comes to getting rich, you leave a debt situation or not makes no difference. If you have the moral socks, you will not have the motivation to perform the actions below, you need to get out.

2. The subsistence

After finding the motivation to financial changes, the first thing to do is find out how much you need minimum each month to pay all your deadlines. What is your minimum required each month? The calculation is fast and very revealing: add up your mortgage repayments, rent, income tax, your subscriptions, ... monthly-annual installments and your (car insurance, local taxes, for example). Browse your bank statements to not forget anything important. Add the minimum that you feel necessary to spend on food each month. The difference between what you spend each month and the subsistence minimum will show you where your money really goes, a question which you did not answer.

Given these minimal expense, make on behalf of your future cash flow. -Is that money coming in the months ahead, this may be your unemployment benefit or only pay your spouse for example, will suffice to cover the minimum? It is possible that at this stage, if you realize for the first time, you finally discover that your income will decline will still provide for your basic needs. But be careful not to be too optimistic about it. Are you absolutely certain of the revenue or simply do you expect? Anticipate the worst case first and let your calculations with your cash flow some. It is better to plan for the worst rather than to note that all calculations have been for nothing.

3. A better job of defending your

In all cases, but even if you find that you can not meet the minimum expenditure calculated, the first solution to consider is to reduce your expenses. It is faster to reduce your expenses to find money. Defend the money that your hard-earned against these small desires which are placed end to end than you have nothing left. Take your list of essential expenses and see what subscriptions you can cancel or reduce. Consider changing housing to pay a lower rent. Imagine what you could reduce costs on activities that seem necessary but you are more in tune with your new financial goals. Sift through the numbers of all your expenses to see how each can be minimized (ie not spending at all).

4. Improving your attack

The second step is to increase your revenue and thus your income. A good offense should allow you to score points, that is to say to win more. The objective is to achieve minimum cover your expenses, you just calculate the more accurate and even allow you to spend more than this minimum. In this case, I advise you with the money you have in addition, begin to build you a precaution fund (or the bail). It will be very useful if ever a financial problem further happened. From my perspective, it's best to put your money in your fund carefully (by between 3 and 6 months of expenditure) than trying to repay your debts faster. Then you can start repaying your debts, paying the smallest first, because it's good for morale to have debts and less. Mathematically it would be better to repay the first one with the interest rates the highest, but as explained earlier article, it is the mind that you must work.

Find additional revenue sources. Sell all what you do not need your car for example, to buy cheaper clothes, your furniture lurking in the attic. In practice, all that you have not served for a year can be sold. Offer to teach or render service in your area of expertise. Find odd jobs to supplement your main temporary. A previous article you list 13 real ways to earn more money . You should find some ideas.

If you follow these four steps, you will spend in fear to control your budget by developing healthy habits vis-à-vis the money. These four steps are not sufficient, or for more complex cases, or duration, but are a good foundation to start on the right track in the right direction. A strategy to follow when the bad news flowing. For the improvement continues and allows you to get richer, you will among other establish regular monitoring of your budget .

Have you ever experienced a debt crisis with pay cut? How have you faced and what advice would you give? What are the points which you consider essential? If you've never lived, try to imagine what actions you would consider to priori. What other milestones would you add?

Credit: Jen_Maloney_Photo

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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Thursday 5-11: Projection on Aconcagua

At the summit of Aconcagua with Guy Dubart.

Aconcagua in Argentina at 6962m is one of the Seven Summits (the seven summits the highest in the 7 continents of the world). After reaching his goal and played for Ortaffa summit of Aconcagua, Guy wants to share his adventure with his friends and other interested ortaffanencs.

19.30 in the hall of the 3rd Age, under the Eiffel Tower in the village of Ortaffa.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Make Your Own Wwe Title

9 good reasons not to subscribe to the Tontine

So ... Is this a good idea to subscribe to a tontine or not? I described in detail how a Tontine because you need to understand how each investment works prior to subscribe. I told you then quoted the 6 benefits from my point of view, what you get by subscribing to a Tontine . You are ready to consider this investment, you have researched online and asked for advice around you. But wait five minutes before signing, that I set out the 9 good reasons not to subscribe to the Tontine.

tontine le conservateur raisons arnaque test versement rendement 1. Your capital is not available

The money you put on a Tontine, do not expect to see the color before a good twenty years. The liquidity of the Tontine is extremely low. In cases of hardship, you can not recover your money before maturity. Possibly a loan can be done at a rate to be determined. But even if a loan, ensuring competition both for finding the most advantageous loan. A partial redemption in connection with life insurance is much less restrictive example. The Tontine is an investment in the longer term life insurance, you can leave whenever you want.

2. Your performance is known that at the end of Tontine

Pendan the 20 years since your last Tontine, you will have no information on the current performance of your investment. Have you done a good or bad choice? Should you continue investing in this investment or not? Impossible to know. Only six months after the end of the Tontine, when all assets have been sold, you will know if your investment was a good investment or not. If you are naturally anxious, this investment is probably not for you.

3. The returns shown do anything exceptional

course display today in a yield of 6.85% over 20 years for The Tontine Group is accurate and Conservative seller. But we must compare what is comparable. You can not compare performance with a 20-year yield over a year. You can not compare this performance with Performance in 2009 Livret A or life insurance in euros. Especially since the book A and life insurance of euro risk-free, which is not the case with Tontine. Risk must be paid, it is normal that the Tontine earns you more. If you look at the results of previous Tontines, The Conservative group shows such a yield of 2.84% for the Tontine of 1990, less than life insurance in euros without risk. Some competitors have even Tontines losses.

4. Your performance depends on your age

more you are older and the rate of return that will be served will be high. In other words, if you are under 40, you have no interest to subscribe to a Tontine. The Tontine is interesting if you want to prepare for retirement, transfer assets, or escape to the ISF. It is best to have more than 40 years, but you can not purchase if you are over 70 years. So do not expect to get rich with Tontine if you live a hundred years.

5. You do not know what assets your money is invested

Over the last 20 years that your Tontine, you will not know how you back your investment each year, but you do not know what your money is invested. You just know that Over time it becomes less and less invested in shares and more on secure assets. This opacity may be embarrassing. For example if the toxic assets have been purchased as part of your investment, you will not know. If your investments included Tontine Madoff example. Unsure on what assets you have invested through your Tontine, you could invest twice on the same values without knowing it, as part of your overall investments. You increase your risk as you want them lower.

6. You have no action on the management of your investment

You can not leave before the deadline and you do not know what media your money is invested: you can not intervene in any way whatsoever in the management of your investment. The management is fully controlled by the association. This turns out to be an advantage if you feel they have neither the time nor the expertise to manage your investments. From my perspective, if you want a higher yield secured an investment, it pays off to invest a little time to learn to manage your own investments.

7. Heavy penalties for failure to pay

If you stop your payments during the first two years you lose your rights to the earnings distribution. Your contributions and earnings are then distributed among other members. But as costs for the 20 years are pre-numbered, in fact almost all is lost in fees and does not return to members. If you do not pay for 20 years are agreed, you are penalized two years of contributions. Can you be sure that for 20 years you will not encounter any financial problem and that you will not be forced to suspend payment?

8. With the loss of life, you lose your capital

more you're older and your performance will be high to reflect the fact that you have a higher probability of not seeing the end of the Tontine. Indeed, the basic means of Tontine in case of death the money that you should return either distributed among the last survivors of the Tontine. You can protect yourself against this risk by purchasing insurance death benefit amount of your payments will be bequeathed to your heirs. But in this case, your yield will be lower. Published performance figures do not reflect this additional cost. And in case of death, only the money invested is recovered, not earnings, which are divided between members the Tontine. Do you want to sign a contract that speculates on the death of other members?

9. The bad reputation

If you search for Tontine internet, you will quickly find the testimony of members who speak scam and lost money. Internet malcontents expressed more often that people feel satisfied, but given the lack of information provided by Tontine (yields in accession, media in which your money is invested, the return of ...), experience gain more weight when choosing. If you read too many comments from people disappointed, perceived risk is too high and unacceptable.

Like any investment, the Tontine has its advantages and disadvantages. In the case of the Tontine, these advantages or disadvantages are often strong and specific. On the investment side, you can pay less TFR, else do you want to invest without any visibility for 20 years in an investment that penalizes you as much in case of problems with payment? Personally, the characteristics of the Tontine does not match my financial goals and I think for the time being too young to get an attractive return. And you, what do you think of this product?

What feedback do you know about the Tontine ? Have you purchased for yourself? If not for what (s) reason (s) have you given up? What other information would you like to know about this product?

Credit: Photogail

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- More information about The Tontine Conservative
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

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La Fabrique du Chez Jeannine SmokedMeat

Hello lover of meat and metal ( what we all know that any guitar heroes of this world are not végétatiens !). Last Thursday night, we decided (last minute) to go to this institution corner Raoul Jobin and Lafayette! My compatriots and I were not our first visit! Especially since it's another of those hidden corners of the lower city that likes to keep to either u ^ ^! But hey! It seems that this kind of corner may have a reputation in the world of metal now ... since we had finished our desserts in a hurry because the stagecrew Metallica had rented the entire restaurant for 7h battery

If it's good for a crew of metallers roady is also GOOD FOR YOU!

I'm not a big''''amate smoked meat but my companions all opted for the smoked meat and toasted sandwiches ... I took my poutine, with p'tite a white horse was YUM! For poutine it did the job, the fries are great! For anything that affects everyone smoked meat was unanimous ''It's really better than Joe Smoked Meat ''For the atmosphere there 's everything you need for one night tripper hockey game but it's still in good taste and great atmosphere as friendly, especially the restaurant and still small! Staff really friendly and smiling and u ^ ^!

* Sorry for the pictures! They are not super quality ... more reason to go
see for yourself! ^ U ^

NOT TO MENTION THEIR FAMOUS PIE MAPLE! A whole pie costs $ 50 and you just why! Once you've tasted it becomes automatically hooked! I tried several times to determine the ingredients or ask the recipe! But we must believe that this information is top secret ! It's like a big piece of fudge on a plate just waiting to melt in your mouth! It's a small tip of $ 5 well spent! Pure prices you can take a look on their website again, you're lucky enough to have a web discount of 15% at any time if you take the trouble to print the little coupon!

3 meatballs absolute pleasure

La Fabrique du Smoked Meat
727 Raoul Jobin (Quebec)
It is advisable to book (always full)
(418) 527-9797