Tuesday, March 31, 2009

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Aliens - The Twilight

Aliens - Twilight is a frame field located in the world of films in the Alien saga, and especially inspired by Alien and Aliens 3.

Played it many years ago and then lost, I reconstructed from scattered notes, with the help forums Casus No. . This has resulted in a final document of 25 pages, featuring 13 episodes. Scenarios of course require a more precise development but the key is there.

however, is missing an important point for the immediate playability of the campaign: the system of play The document does indeed offers no technical data: unfortunately this is not my forte. I used at the time the rules of official alleging Aliens RPG by Leading Edge Games, "Alien Adventure Game" , but it is not found today. Use systems of COPS, Cyberpunk 3.0 or even the latest edition of Polaris may be possible.

You can download the pdf of Aliens - Twilight by clicking on this link

Sunday, March 29, 2009

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History to be a little connection with the statement of intent here, here is a small selection of old straight out of the closet.

There have quite a few years, I briefly ran a fanzine (first paper, then e-zine) called " Clerc Obscur . It was mainly the role play, although in its web version, it has shifted a bit more broadly by treating film and TV series. I had the opportunity to publish several scenarios for the games I played the most at the time. Here they are, each with a small comment :

"In the clutches of the master of crime"
- First scenario Castle Falkenstein, the RPG-steampunk fairytale for which I had a huge crush. This scenario results from a mixture of envy, wicked Machiavellian way between Moriarty and gloomy mood of Whitechapel.

"Conspiracy Romuldie" - Still for Castle Falkenstein , it follows the first and takes the characters into a dangerous journey into the heart of the Balkan countries. There must be a concern for design: it has messed up in large widths each time I did play!

"Full Steam Ahead!"
- Exploiting the atmosphere of Paris at the Jules Verne, this third adventure for Falkenstein proposes to participate in a race a train to the revolutionary design. If I have great sympathy for this story, we must recognize that his finishing is poor.

"Judge Bishop" - For Deadlands: my darling, the scenario that I have the most fun to write and play (five or six times). A small town, mobsters, a convoy of Indian, an itinerant judge disturbing ... No part steampunk, however, this element being IMHO unattractive in Deadlands.

"Workin 'on the railroad"
- Second scenario for Deadlands , I found many months tied up as the previous but it is a good memory of game players have enjoyed a star pinned to their lapels to sheriff before going to "pacify" the city of miners.

"Death of a rotten"
- An investigation Berlin XVIII that will not make the characters of popular players among their fellow cops. I love this scenario, several times played in real time, including agreement to a result quite effective. It must be able to adapt without too much trouble to PSC.

"Storm of the possible" - For Guild, the quest for origins, a scenario camera in a remote fortress. I have been (largely) reworked the basic idea into a screenplay by comic book artist is waiting for her (huh, Pierrick?:)

"Here lived Death" - If there is one game that fascinated me reading, but on which I had the greatest difficulty in carrying it Kult. And I was damn frustrated! Well, this scenario is the same: I find it contains good ideas, but I find their lousy assembly, hardly playable. And I can not really pinpoint what's wrong ...

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Hello and welcome to this modest little piece of cloth. Those who know me know that I have a memory worthy of a sparrow and I hope this little blog will help me find my way!

First, I needed a place to centralize some minor, scattered across so far.
Nothing really transcendent: it is either a role-playing scenarios accusing their age (all taken from an old fanzine that I led in my youth and student already available in the right column), or equipment "official" role-playing games that I released (soon), or finally work in progress that I would publish as and when they are developed (most of time, working versions not necessarily accomplished).
A pretty useful tool, given my inability to keep clean and tidy copy of my humble productions. While this may be more useful to some playmakers, it will be great!

So, this space will also allow me to publish notice or reading files on the subjects that fascinate me: cinema, history, comics (especially comics), role plays and writing them, all in bulk over time.

In all cases, please call and comment!