Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pinky Star And Cherrokee

Aliens - The Twilight

Aliens - Twilight is a frame field located in the world of films in the Alien saga, and especially inspired by Alien and Aliens 3.

Played it many years ago and then lost, I reconstructed from scattered notes, with the help forums Casus No. . This has resulted in a final document of 25 pages, featuring 13 episodes. Scenarios of course require a more precise development but the key is there.

however, is missing an important point for the immediate playability of the campaign: the system of play The document does indeed offers no technical data: unfortunately this is not my forte. I used at the time the rules of official alleging Aliens RPG by Leading Edge Games, "Alien Adventure Game" , but it is not found today. Use systems of COPS, Cyberpunk 3.0 or even the latest edition of Polaris may be possible.

You can download the pdf of Aliens - Twilight by clicking on this link


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