Sunday, August 2, 2009

Number Color On Licence Plates Ontario

There ... I read it!

some time ago (if not a certain time), my good friend grumph The proposed publication of a set of pdf space opera called " Mahamoth " in the form of a ransom. The principle is simple: the user is prompted to give the amount he wants and if a certain predefined amount is reached, the game is "released" and downloadable by all. A form of patronage, inaugurated by Greg Stolze and for the first time in France, by Cedric Ferrand with very nice Brumaire.

To date, Mahamoth is still not released, although the amount has been achieved in record time. The fault is likely to be sought in the creative explosion of LG's participation in numerous projects and the mere contingency of real life and its vagaries.

Incidentally, the friend was probably killed grumph model of the ransom, a concept in my opinion already dicey primarily for three reasons: the price implies a certain notoriety (gamers on the forums at all minimum, all happening on the net), the requirement to have almost finished the game before the launch of the ransom if you do not want to be surprised as LG (and suddenly, if the ransom is not going to end, will we really retain possession itself a product curly?) and finally the existing gap between necessarily what the donor has imagined the product and the final product ... and I do not even speak the donor who does not also fail to give notice, especially if it is negative because, anyway, to fuck a few euros in your pocket for a pdf doc, it's a shame my good lady.

short, a nest of bullshit that is sometimes heavy sweating to LG, when some donors (rightly) frustrated - or not many donors thinking, it's more fun - do not hesitate to call it a scam artist.

Yet Mahamoth exists.

I had the pleasure of making a pass correction on a working version already very polished. And it's a very good surprise, a strong character universe (which will not please all of its radical) which deploys a vivid imagination and inspiring. The style of LG has also changed quite a bit drier and more direct, it serves the purpose without drowning in an excess of encyclopedias. It grater and it's good. The seeds of adventure are numerous and as always with LG, braced on political and religious intermingled that crush and tear the individual. All powered by a variation of Barbarians of Lemuria we imagine turning on its own.

There remains much to do and I am confident that with a push, Mahamoth will soon be readable by all. Go amigo, this is the last line! And it's worth it!


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