Friday, September 24, 2010

Nsn For Mechanic Gloves

November 2010 October 2010 September

    Tarbesou View of Pico (September 2010)
    photo: Tarbesou (hiking 29/09)
  • Tuesday October 5, 7:30: Ravine to Vives. IGN map 2547OT, climb 500m, 5H walk, easy. Opoul castle, pretty ravine to follow (if not too much water)
  • Tuesday, October 12, 7:00: The Lakes Nohèdes. Map IGN 2249ET, climb 1200m, 7H, walking difficult level. 3 lakes, starting from Nohèdes
  • Tuesday, October 19, 7:30: Llança - La Vall de Sta Creu. English map, elevation 650m, 6H walk, medium level. Hiking in Spain (bring ID)
  • Tuesday, October 26, 7:30 Mosset - The Cross Marquixanes. IGN 2348ET map, elevation 700m, 6H, walking average
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H.


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