Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rhesus Negative In Lupus

Programma January 2011 December 2010

    The view from Arles sur Tech
    on Canigou (Dec 2010)
  • Friday, January 7, 9:00. Rando Theme: New Port. Carte IGN 2546 OT, climb 200m, info to follow (visit the premises of the Whale).
  • Tuesday, January 11, 7:30 Cabrens Towers. IGN Map 2349 and, climb 700m. 5H walk, medium difficulty. Tower visit, volcanic landscape.
  • Tuesday, January 18, 7.30. Roc de la Collada. IGN 2448ET/2449ET cards. Elevation 750m, 6H walking, difficulty + medium. From Estoher.
  • Tuesday, January 25, 7.30. Villefranche balconies. IGN Map 2349 and, climb 700m. 5H walk, medium difficulty. St Etienne + Belloc chapels and sanctuary of St. Andrew Belloc.
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Mammal Vs. Reptile Respiration At Tem

    Towards Sta Engracia
    (Amélie les Bains)
  • Tuesday, December 7: 7:30 Arles sur Tech - Dolmen Molinot. IGN map 2449OT, climb 800m, running time 7H, Medium level.
  • Tuesday, December 14: New Year Dinner at the Auberge de Vives.
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H.

Tuesday, December 14th at 10am will place the General Assembly Cami Rando. In the Hall at Steeple Ortaffa.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Discus Thrower And Greek Values

Casus Belli No. 3 newsstand

The new Casus is out on newsstands today (and a priori in a short time in specialty stores).

the menu, a theme of "Polar and black series" that could only inspire me.

So I signed a scenario Call of Cthulhu / Hellywood (playable with both games so), an article featuring "black sites" (classic thriller sets, each with an NPC and grip scenario) and gave a hand to Jerome "Brand" Larré an article giving advice to "blacken" a role playing scenario. A subject always exciting and I have not yet done the round despite writing Hellywood.

Lots of other things in this course Casus: news and reviews, scripts PSC D & D4 and following the campaign Yno, Black Trinity, a return to the game world, aid games ... It's good!

Zebra Flower Arrangements

Program Program Program

Bay View Leucate (Oct. 2010)
  • Tuesday, November 2, starting 7:30: Molitg les Bains - the cortal Pineda. IGN 2348ET map, elevation 600m, 6H walk, medium level.
  • Tuesday, November 9, starting 7:30 Roc de France, starting Fontfrède. IGN map 2449OT, climb 700m, 7H, walking difficult level
  • Tuesday, November 16, starting 7:30: Rando theme: San Pere de Rodes (Esp). English map, climb 450m, running time 5H, easy Visit San Abbey Father (bring ID).
  • Tuesday, November 23, starting 7:30: Mosset Peak Roussillou. Map IGN 2348ET, climb 700m, running time 6H, medium level.
  • Tuesday, November 30, starting 7:30 Las Illas - Las Salinas. IGN map 2449OT, climb 750m, running time 7H, medium level.
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H. Contact us for more info and directions.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How To Darken The Leather Of A Louie Vuitton Bag

Shadowrun - World Almanac Of The Sixth Form

Shadowrun is an old hobby (since 1989!) And if there's something exciting in this range is its storyline. 21 years of development, for almost as much time elapsed in the fictional world of Shadowrun, the first basic book is the last in 2050 and supplements the fourth edition are dated 2072.

All this has led to a very complex chronology, which often requires reading novels in addition to the supplements game to be apprehended in its entirety. Inevitably, the announcement of this Almanac Of The Sixth World I was immediately excited. Finally, a book collecting and detailing all of the continuity of Shadowrun? Sold! Naturally, there are people who already works fine, starting with the ShadowWiki . But an official book for easy reference, was a logical and necessary addition to the range.

It partly missed, although I must admit that this observation is that I had fantasized the book instead of really find out about its content ...

The almanac is in the form of a book of 208 pages, very nice paper in an all-color hardcover very strong.

first observation, if 208 pages already seem a bit thin given the magnitude of the task, the purely historical part of the supplement does in fact less than 100 pages, the second part of the supplement is devoted to a digest which are detailed geographical forty countries. Worth, of course, this summary of the current situation, especially since v4 preferred supplements describing specific locations to specific regional v3.

For the background, so it will be roughly one page per year. Each time, a box listing the highlights of the year. These synthetic elements are supplemented by one or several historical documents (manifest, article, interview), as usual comments from various stakeholders.

The first entry is 1999, making the world a reality Shadowrun assumed parallel. Far from seeking to make rétrocontinuité, successive leaders of the Shadowrun line kept the starting point of chronology, which I think is a great idea. We thus find, from 1999 to 2049 the elements already in place from the first edition of Shadowrun in 1989. Items related to 20 years of publication (2050 to 2072, so) eventually occupy only 28 pages! It is thin, where the details of the timeline could have filled a real book! It is therefore an overview.

Added to this is an editorial decision (on which I I did not, however, no illusion): no direct reference to the works of the range. I agree that it was complicated, especially in terms of implementation graph if every line, he had to make a reference. The fact remains that if you have not read the novel "Black Madonna", it is difficult to understand how the event "Renraku concluded a deal with Decker Leonardo" is any interest! The almanac is not an easy reference tool to dig this or that aspect.

remains one last point very annoying. I do not know if the book was completed in haste, but it is peppered with lots of failures. I am not a fundamentalist of the shell, but their recurrence irritating. Two examples? In Berlin, the neo-anarchists have published a Festimano or Fanimesto? In the same paragraph, a corporal is spelled and Cherub Kebura ... More troubling, some errors go against the objective source of reference book: the separation of Belgium took place in 2015 or 2016? The entry is repeated in boxes on both dates! All pavement dates from 2006 is repeated in 2020. One of two years (presumably 2020) is zappée. And if I think the forums Official Catalyst Games, these are not the only problem ...

The good news is that the translation by Black Book Editions will be corrected. Given the impeccable quality of their previous outings, and as I am regarding a Fill Shadowrun madman, I already know what I will do during the French release!

This almanac is a memory aid, but not the ultimate handbook continuity I called my wishes. He can not put into perspective the various events, or actually decipher. It remains a practical book (one Once corrected!) but the ultimate source on the 6th World remains to be published ...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Nsn For Mechanic Gloves

November 2010 October 2010 September

    Tarbesou View of Pico (September 2010)
    photo: Tarbesou (hiking 29/09)
  • Tuesday October 5, 7:30: Ravine to Vives. IGN map 2547OT, climb 500m, 5H walk, easy. Opoul castle, pretty ravine to follow (if not too much water)
  • Tuesday, October 12, 7:00: The Lakes Nohèdes. Map IGN 2249ET, climb 1200m, 7H, walking difficult level. 3 lakes, starting from Nohèdes
  • Tuesday, October 19, 7:30: Llança - La Vall de Sta Creu. English map, elevation 650m, 6H walk, medium level. Hiking in Spain (bring ID)
  • Tuesday, October 26, 7:30 Mosset - The Cross Marquixanes. IGN 2348ET map, elevation 700m, 6H, walking average
Every Friday Departure at 9.00 M Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Euro Steam Professional System

reading: Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set Back

It's strange, but at the moment, the theme of initiation into tools JDR talks to me. I wonder if it's not because my kids are becoming more insistent since a friend had them playing Forgotten Chronicles of Black Book Publishing ...

So I invested in the new red box of Dungeons & Dragons, the first stone of the new Essentials line (a kind of DD4.5 that dare not speak its name if I understood everything). And as I spend most of my time flat because of my back, I had time to unpack!

Cheap ... but a little cheap

First observation: it's not a big investment. It is found for under 20 euros here, the original price was set at 19.99 dollars. The box is thick cardboard of good quality and strong without being exceptional. At the opening, it is spoiled a bit. Indeed, it is a relative disappointment prevails as to the quality of the material provided.
  • The two booklets of 32 and 64 pages of paper are rather light, but in full color. By cons, they have no coverage at Strictly speaking, the same paper is used for binding. They are therefore fragile.
  • The 54 power cards and objects are very very thin. Needless to imagine using them without a transparent cover.
  • The dice are correct. Beautiful but not correct.
  • sheets are characters that number 4! Simple color photocopies where we would have appreciated a little packet of cards.
  • The battle map is well made by cons, like cardboard tokens. Small problem though: the characters are represented on both sides of a same token, allowing them to be "normal" or "blooded" (having lost half their hit points). This is not the case of monsters when you return the token can find ... another monster. Therefore impossible to consider the status of the token with blooded monster, he will find an external marker. It gives a feeling again of a small economy, have indeed taken a second plank of tokens.
relativize: nothing shameful, especially given the affordable price of the object.

also noted the resumption of the iconic artwork of Larry Elmore - and logotypage - who graced the red box of origin. A nice fragrance of nostalgia. Turning to the content.

Birth of a hero

The first book offers an adventure you are the hero. You are accompanying a cart and ugly goblins attack you. But this little story playing dons an important feature: it serves not only to explain what the RPG, but also to create her character, step by step.

So through the choices that the player will (is he thinks frontal attack, launch a spell or hit furtively with a dagger ...) that will be elaborated the character. I admit I was very skeptical before reading. After this, I am convinced. It works very well, test support. We discover step by step how to make an attack, accounting for damages, loss of hit points, then recovered, choose your alignment, use a skill and so on. The plug - simplified compared to that of Player's - fills up progressively. It's extremely well built and well within the logic of self-initiation of the product.

course is longer than a classic creation. Although ... longer if you already mastered the concepts of a chapter of character creation as presented in the player. If we do not know anything, I think this framing is ultimately faster than being faced with a myriad of input choices. Success!

induced presentation of the RPG is also effective. On several occasions, we have a choice of type "attack / fly / do something else." The "something else" refers to an entry that explains that in the rigid framework of an adventure that you are the hero, we can not predict everything, but that is precisely the magic of the RPG as you will soon be in front of you a leader who, himself, will react to your ideas.

final note, this box lets you play levels 1 and 2 for 4 classes (cleric, fighter, rogue and wizard) and 4 races (human, dwarf, elf and halfling).

The big adventure

Turning then to the book's leader. We find the following little adventure you are the hero. And it's a good old donj families MTP pure juice with a plot to bring 7 meetings pretext of fighting. The "role" is thus reduced to the bare minimum. Of course we can not love, but in the genre is very didactic encounters are increasingly complex, the advice is relevant to introduce the rules as and when, even if they remain ultimately leafy (no simpler than DD4: even attacks of opportunity are addressed).

The skills challenge is ably introduced by a stage of negotiation with a dragon that does not a priori decided to bite the adventurers. We'll have to negotiate his way with him, using flattery or promises. It is quite well done and one of the rare moments when the interpretation is actually encouraged (note still the possibility, again, to negotiate with a doppelganger who wants to take the tower without fighting adventurers).

Once the dungeon emptied of its occupants, following some ideas to prolong the adventure that was just played, the rules of transition to Level 2 advice to create adventures and quests as well as the reuse plan the dungeon in other configurations. Follow 14 pages of a bestiary and a two-page description of the area around the dungeon.

few frills but again, an impression of efficiency, expertise, product mastered ...

And it works?

The point that remains unclear to me is the ability of a complete beginner to pick up only the game I am convinced that the creative part of personal work. But once you pass the dungeon itself, the complexity is still more exalted.

the hands of a veteran seeking to initiate, it will be through an extremely effective tool cons. Manage the creation of personal "in the mood", using the part that you are the hero as the basis of narrative, seems very nice.

This red box is a good investment, as long as you are not resistant to spot-mapping and logic D & D. But that's another debate, which does not detract from the quality of the product elsewhere.

Edit: A question I received via email: Will I use it? I very tempted, but the concern remains the English language for my daughters 10 and 7 years. I can still translate the character sheet, but include all the powers ... This limits its usefulness immediate ... unless a hypothetical French version finally sees the day!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Canadian Siezure Auctions

World Game Review

After a day of rest, it's time to make a small dot on the 2010 vintage of World Game , lived since the stand of John Doe.

The least we can say is that the public was at the rendezvous. Busy aisles, a stand that is never empty before 17:00 on Sunday: gambling in general and draws RPG seems to be in very good shape. The signs are unmistakable:
  • stand Casus Belli literally besieged for three days, could testify as bags under the eyes of Tristan and Stephane.
  • many outlets that spread to the stands, and depleted stocks publishers sometimes well before the end of the show.
  • demos who chained themselves to a steady pace throughout. On the space game Grog, the tables had to turn people away.
Among the most interesting initiatives, Di6dent , new mag roleplayer, presented the number 0. Very impressive on both the shape, very accomplished, and on substance, very interesting - and I'm not saying this because there is a scenario in Hellywood!

On a more personal level, I could see lots of people, mostly in the gale. I would not name dropping but to thank you all, it was a real pleasure, too rare.

For John Doe, the results are satisfactory: Sales correct, and meaningful exchanges with many readers, emulsion of the team.

And then the stuff, necessarily. Thank you Monkeys to the XII Mahamoth of gossip LG. I caught my book late and Trinities . Better late than never, I love it! I completed my collection Shadowrun on the Black Book stand: I was praising the quality of the supplement Sox, and I also recovered Emergence just to see the new storyline. Z-Body has also joined my collection and I look forward to reading it. Finally, the second edition of Te Deum for a massacre is just beautiful, but I had exhausted my budget ...

Here! The World Game, it's exhausting. A constant noise, crowds, and with my back mold is a real challenge. But it was worth it, no doubt!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Brown Mucus Discharge 2 Days Before Period Due

Do not miss any reason after PlusRiche.fr

PlusRiche.fr is now hosted at http://www.plusriche.fr/ to offer better quality and you can even more effectively to get richer.

Click the link below to read new articles:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Formula Forrecuring Deposit

Santa Gadea 2010

Some recent openings, and an area's oldest (2008) Lost in the guidebook. Unless otherwise indicated, the numbering of drawings based on that guide, the latest being drawn in green or yellow.

TECHO of Mordor

Schemes page 164

1 - The tour of idols 7c + ;
2 - 7a Dopamine /
a + 3 - 7
6 - Endorphin 6b seated 7a
4 - 6c sitting
5 - 5c/6a seated 6b

Schemes page 162

A portion 7 having taken off, it has not been redone.

7 - Komatsu Biceps? (Formerly 7b)
8 - 7a / b

Schemes page 161

1-El Senor de los cepillo seated 6b / c 2-A
viejo 6b + alcohólico seated 7a
3 - Maricon playa?

Franja de Gaza

to the extreme left of the Gaza Strip
1 - El techo de los idiotas seated 7a


block 15
Schemes page 155 (Crossing Paths 3 and 4 are incorrect in topo)

2 - Osso bucco 7b
9 - Summer sloping 7b
3 - Tortas de San Blas 6b
4 - Bacalao Vizcaína to 6b + / c

Numbering corresponding plan on page 134

99 - Uno solo 7a
99b-project (to finish out clean)
98b-worker from the shadows? (7c/8a)
98 - 7a + basics Nocioni


Block 3
Schemes page 175
4 - Bulldozer 7a
5 - Project
12 - Farinelli 7 / a +
6 - Noche de lobos 6b + seated 7b
7 - Dolor of dedas seated 7b


Block 3
Schemes page 203

4 - El Afilador seated 6c
8 - seated 6c/7a
5 - seated: 7a
6-3 o 4 7 +
7 - + 7c/7c

1-7a systemic crisis / a +
2 - 5b / c
3 - 5c/6a

4-Dr Madoff 6c + / 7a ; seated 7b
5 - 6 b / c seated?

6 - 6a / b Nasdaq
7-7b / c Subprime
8-7a / b
9 - 6a

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Summer Holidays

Holidays are well and truly finished, but the results are satisfying!

In No. 2 of Casus Belli, due out in early September, you can read a script for Shadowrun 4th edition . I would not be what a welcome it will be given, but I'm very proud. Casus through, so I could enchainer writing a writer for the Appeal with it. It's very rewarding. I already ordered texts to number 3, but shhh ...

Hellywood The campaign has progressed considerably during the summer. Something big boost that has borne fruit. That said, the work continues. Seagull and my friend is celebrating a happy event, the kind that leaves you awake at night, if you know what I mean. Congratulations!

Finally, work well, although more scattered over the former Continumm (which I still have not found the name), who probably found his particular illustrator! Also on Exile. Yes, I know, it makes you laugh, but it's true. Texts unearthed, corrected and completed. It remains to find a definitive solution to edit it all.

short, it remains only to realize!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Forgot Combo To Spehere Master Lock

The return

break ends, time to take the sticks for the start of the hike ortafanenque!
Program September
  • Tuesday, September 7, 7:30: Rando Theme: around Villefranche de Conflent. IGN 2349ET map, elevation 500m, 5H walk, medium level. Opportunity to visit Fort Liberia (5 €).
  • Tuesday, September 14, 7:30: Soto / Fontpedrouse / St. Thomas. IGN 2250ET map, elevation 600m, 6H walk, medium level. Visit Bathroom (4.50 €).
  • Tuesday, September 21, 7:30: Pech of Bugarach. IGN map 2347OT, climb 900m, running time 7H. Difficult level. Departure from Bugarach, not for vertigo.
  • Tuesday, September 28, 7:15: Peak Tarbésou. Map IGN 2248ET, climb 600m, 6H walk. Average level. Starting from the neck Pallères (Mijanes).
Every Friday: Departure 9.00 H Parking Directions, weather, hiking easy level, back to about 16H.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Clear Line Appeared On Pregnancy Test Next Day


Many of you contacted me to know when new articles are published on PlusRiche.fr and I thank you. Due to changes in my business and the arrival of a little girl, I have had time in recent weeks to write new articles.

But rest assured, by the end of August new articles will be published and that date will be the occasion to launch a new website PlusRiche.fr. His goal to teach you how to develop more concrete all your wealth.

To improve and increase what can bring you this site, thank you for giving me your opinion on the following four points:

1. How often would you prefer to see new articles published? Once a week, twice a week, every day?

2. What are the topics that interest you in priority: creating your budget, track your expenses, setting your financial goals, choices and managing your investments, control your spending, investment property?

3. Would you find it interesting to add a discussion forum on the site to get answers to your questions around the topics on the blog? Do you take part?

4. Would you be interested in a PDF format manual brings together the best articles on the site as a methodology to develop your financial wealth? Would you be willing to pay to dispose such a practical guide?

Thanks for your answers and happy holidays!

Search results and analysis of the survey in this article: Which direction for your community PlusRiche.fr

Photo Credit: Tracy O

Friday, July 30, 2010

Red Label Rates In Hyderabad


on holiday last night, I want to do a little update on current projects. A post every six months, okay, I like the rhythm!

Casus and Tentacles

First, Casus Belli is back and will be on sale August 4th! A very good news for role players. It is a dynamic and highly motivated who started this revival (Bravo Tristan and Stephane!) And I honor to contribute. In this first issue, I sign a scenario for Call of Cthulhu.

And it is moving in more ways than one. First, because the AoC is my game fetish, the one I played most often and always want to return. Secondly, because that's Casus, what! I vowed, young, to publish something one day and then he was dead. And that's it!

Finally, it's scary. I'm not sure my script is one such model. It's also very intimidating to write for a range that has been following more than 20 years, and in which so many things, both good and bad, were made. In short, we'll see ...


Then the campaign Hellywood becomes clear at last!

We know its title: "The Angels of Justice"!

With Raphael Andere, we take the summer to complete texts. There is still work but it really starts to look like something.

So, we publish the official blog of Helywood, Whispers, a making of sub as a newspaper campaign episodes. The first traces the origins of the project, its constraints and thematic choices. You can read it here just .

And if ...

And if not, I advance a different project, not yet announced.

is still rpg and always intended to Editions John Doe, whose peer has made me a positive opinion for now, before read more (yes, I am naturally excluded Committee Reading for this project, otherwise it would be cheating).

The trick was to be called Continuum. Except that here, Continuum, a name that seems to be awfully popular RPG products. These include a set of time travel that name and that looks pretty good if one believes the criticism of his record Grog.

The only certainty at present on this new project is that it not be called Continuum!


Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Year Old With Viral Infection

Santa Gadea / sector innuendo

Open during the summer of 2009, this beautiful wall cell is discharging a bit away from the traditional sector of Santa Gadea. Pass in the shade at about 15 pm


Show innuendo on a larger map

L'ectoplasme 7a 1-ss: 7 / a +
2-The Agent Orange ss 6b: 6c
Aspiratus 3-ss: 7b
4 - (javi)? Black Bull
5-6b ff: 6c / c +
6 -?
Innuendo 7-7a + ss: 8-7b
Tardigrade ss 6b: 7a / a +
9-Hiatus 6b / c ss: 6c

Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Date A Grumman Canoe

Cami Rando on vacation in June 2010

Cami Rando does not organize hiking in summer. The return is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7.
Happy summer!

left Canigou Barbet seen in July of 2010.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Halloween What To Write On Tombstone


Little Philippe in Hecatomb

Discovered in 1998, but partially exploited so far, the site has been rejuvenated in the last two years through systematic cleaning of the top of the bar that extends to the left of the path (2009) from the bottom and right side of the valley (2010). The climbing is varied in both profiles (From big top to the wall) than in apprehensions (mono fried). Facing north-west and north, mainly in the shade of trees in summer.


Show ponty on a larger map

the parking along le grillage qui protège l'aire de captage vers la droite, tourné à gauche en continuant à  longer le grillage,puis suivre la sente qui monte et vous amène au pied de la terrasse de l'Astrolabe.
Les secteurs sont décrits de la gauche vers la droite.

Le malconfort

1- 5b
2- assis : 7b
3- assis : 6c
4- assis : 7a/b
5- Le malconfort 6a+/b assis : 7a/b
6- 6a


Les passages 3 et 4 parcourent block tested stuck the crowbar, but the rather disturbing and therefore without government guarantees (SGDG).

1 - Sitting is he sitting: 7a
2 - 7a / b
3 - SGDG 6a + b /
4 - Hazards 6a / a +
5 - Tombstone 6a + b /

6 - Ca 6b collapses
7 - sitting Thetan: 7a / b

8 - Xenu 6a / b Seated: 6c + / 7a
9 - 10 6c
- Engramme 7a + / b

Pretty heart

1 - Triste Sire seated 6c + / 7a
2 - The third leg: 5c/6a seated 7b
3 - Sire concise seated
6c 4 - Bishop sat 6c: 7b +

5 -
6 -
7 - Pretty heart 6c + / 7a
8 - Line fault 6a +


1 - sitting 6b: 7a (departure left both hands in the tank)
2 - 6c
3 - 5b seated 5c/6a
4 - seated 6c
5 - 6
4a - 4b seated 5b / c
7 - animist 6b / c
8 - Fatma 6a / a +

9 - seated
6c 10 - sat: 6c


Quentin Anti-G

1 - G Anti seated 6c +
1b-seated 7c
2 - Extreme 7a + anointing
3 - Sepsis 7b / b +

4 - 8a astrolabe
5 - Dai Laughing 7c
6 - Unplugged 7b
7 - Cabo verde 7a
8 - seated 7c


1 - Appetizers seated 4c
2 - Appetizers departure right seated: 6a
3 - Appetizers start by crossing the line from above on the dishes sitting: 6b + / c
four - Apéricube seated 6b / c
5 - The standard deviation sit (crack): 6a / b
6 - The comma: 7a + seated 7b / b +
7 - Back 6b + / c (start skipped)
7b-back without skipping:
7b 7c-back sit start ( 9 + 10 + 7): 8?
8 - Flash 7 +
8b-Flash sit start (9 + 10 + 8): 7c / c +
9 - Heatwave seated 7a
11 - Carnivore sitting (9 +11): 7b / b +
12 - Heatwave Direct out sat (9 + 12): 7a +
13 - Cartel sitting (9 + 13 + 16) through right from the niche: 7b + / c (morpho)
14 - Balance roof sat (9 + 14 + 16): 7a +
15 - (15 +16): 8?
16 - Hecatomb seated 7c
17 - Raffle 7a
17b-Hécatombola sitting (16 + 17): 7c + (8a passing directly without going to the kennel)
18 - Charnel sitting (16 + 18 + 19): 7b + / c
19 - Tribulation seated 7b
20 to 8?
21 - Carbonization sitting (19 + 18 + 16 + 14 + 11): 8a / a +
and thousands of other connections made or to be ...

completely cleaned by Quentin Bonniol. This sector can s'atteindre directly by taking the path that goes up the bottom of the valley. (Left hand uphill)

1 - Opposition: sitting 5c: 1b-6b
seated 6b / c 2
- The last coyote sitting: 6b +
3 - Morphodur seated 6a / b
4 - Smurfmeuf seated 5c
5 - Con of pressure-seated
6a + 6 - Veronica's back sat: 5b
7 - shot wad seated 5b
8 - rant seated 5a
9 - shot ass seated 4c
10 - trav-In ': opposition by starting out blow ass: 6c

sectors Coco Spijole the maggot and are located on the right side (west) of the valley and can s'atteindre directly by taking the path that goes up the bottom

Coco the maggot

1 - 4 seated
5a 2 - Coco the maggot: 5a ; seated 7a
3 - seated: 6a / b to 7a (morpho)

1-     6a   assis : 7a
2-     5b   assis : 6a
3-     5b   assis : 6c
4-     assis : 7b
5-     4c   assis : 6c+
6-     7a/b
7-     5c   assis : 7b/c
8-     assis : 6a+
The Spijoles

passages 1-7 do not come out, they stop once restored. To descend, escalation few movements, then jump.

1 - 6 b / c
2 - 7a / b
3 - 6c/7a
4 - sitting 5c: 7a
5 - 6c seated: 7a + (4 +5)
6 - 7b (exit 5 or 7)
7 - 6c seated 7a + (4 +5 +7)

The passages 8 to 15 are very committed (7-10 m) but can climb into roping (trees at the top).

8 -? (10m)
9 -
10 -
11 - dandelions by the root: 6c + / 7a (engaged, 7/8m)

12 -
13 -
14 - Last known residence: 7? (Expo and engaged: 7/8m)
15 - 6b / c (Committed: 7/8m)