Thursday, July 30, 2009

How To Draw Accident Diagram

Hare Bistro Bar The quarter moon, Brigitte

I had one wish, let me try. not need much but not little either. This is where the bomber is a-bc of the condemned, the legionnaire who wants the benefit of travel without engaging . In short, with c Oeur wolf, I walked like an Egyptian destination Quarter Moon only the rain, hoping that I had not mounted a nice big boat. I was pretty into the groove , I had the faith and on gossip, I even recited a prayer no question of losing feet or skip my turn finally to me the life time supply of chicken wings gratos . Before the District moon, my whole physique felt the call of maniac. The taster in me any longer wished to know what it was have the love with which Brigitte preparing buffets. Let's go Brigitte take me there!

The Quarter Moon, the 80 specialist evenings is not only a godsend that we cherish jealously is worse yien'k not the mark of any MILF hunter who respects himself is also EZ UP for 5 to 7 could degenerate into furiously horny 5 to close this bar either for those who dare to afford ... I hear around here yer anxiety worse your doubts precarious uncertain: For kess do it would be so hot as that, your bar my uncle, who is responsible for any c'plaisir cheap ?! Ben'm going to sell you the Quartier de Lune so strong that you will never go anywhere but for a beer. The

s real noctambu the s of Quebec, thirsty for blood osmosis and mature, eager jovialism worse still in. Willing
ur dance to the music of the 80s know that p the ine moon, the atmosphere is the e ctrique in this bar of Avenue Cartier ... But! BUT BUT BUT ... aware populace that Quarter Moon, regardless of whether the moon is full, the new , Nouar, increasing or decreasing; the s 5-7 to make our feast the hot and cold buffet served there GRATIS. Serious: not a penny of estie . You pay your beer, too bad you got the right to dip into the buffet UNLIMITED stomach frivolous. The owner insists that this would be the Meili the ur buffet the vile, worse it sul 'board there craire hard as iron. Of Titus in the wound care about békeunne, Titus of chicken wings, sandwiches and Titus no crust flavor multiple raw vegetables, olives fennecées, salmon rolls of tits ... Brigitte, probably a fairy princess, a twist for us pick up the water from the mouth by the balls. Udder anyway, as that would complain about a buffet that costs a glance cast the first stone.

We like: the staff is a reflection of the client (though without the wandering hand, some regret) : not snobbish to ux of bad pennies insatiable in the sphere party animal, Thursdays Lady's night (especially when they fall on a full moon-OPEN BAR for $ 2 -) that are halfway between euphoria worse danger, terrace horny YUS who fondly of grilling hot doyyes su'l the charcoal pestaks evenings, appearance all you eat of the thing, the DJ who almost always puts all requests speuciales as farfetched as it is, the laminate Gerry Boulet su'l welcome wall, the evil of MILF love su 'the dance floor too bad ben course, free from the buffet to Brigitte.

We like least: ... uh .. Not much you know. If there should really find something, well we find it a bit bothersome on the second floor toilets. AC Stay close marigolds in the wound békeunne.

towed to Brigitte, 3 nice balls happy!

The Quarter Moon

799, avenue Cartier Quebec, QC, G1R 2R8


Sunday, July 26, 2009

How To Masterbate Steps

buffets Restaurant Captain

A Snack Levis! Directly out of the ferry. Sorry for the blurry photo was taken in take-out fried and eaten in the pirate bar. I do not know if it is because of the beautiful harmony between beer and chips but it looked like it was the best fries I've tasted for a long time! A must!

How Much Do You Receive For A Dity Move Ets

The buffet Antiquary Version cheeseburger and poutine

We had already made the critical cheeseburger and poutine, but we came back yesterday to take pictures so we thought it deserved a separate post.

Always queue at the buffet in the Antiquary so we took the place which is released soon: the counter. A special place to admire the work of cooks who are struggling to prepare dozens of dishes every minute. And at the same time it gives the opportunity to see all the dishes on the menu and it gives your mouth water, you start to regret our choice and really want to eat fish and chips at table d'hote ($ 12), the steak, sea pie ... everything looks good! Especially when you're hungry is unbearable. But our food arrived and it is happiness. It devours the cheeseburger and poutine: French fries are perfect, the sauce too and they are not cheap on the cheese poop! The big poutine (equivalent to regular in Ashton) is about $ 5.50 cheeseburger and $ 3.50. *** Update ***

We went to eat another poutine the Antiquary, and we are very disappointed. The fries tasted old rancid oil, and the sauce was cold. (
Good hot dog topped by cons for $ 2.50.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fetish Belly Punching Brazil

Chez Pierrot kitchen of yesteryear

Hard times . The recession, housing costs rising, the softwood, it . In these times of tightened belts worst of my eating your in keeping the other for tomorrow, you should know how to prepare how bad our remaining with not much like our mommy. Should we experiment mechanisms that appeal to the remains, as before, in time for the past before. Especially needed to perpetuate the culinary heritage of Boutte, who lost quietly. We therefore carried out a meticulous search the area for the children of Saint-Roch can know the past of their ancestors gourmet, worse at the same time you know eat for good eating peanuts. To remind it tastes what, the mother ate. Valiant as we are, it took no time we fell su the restaurant Pierrot, a tit jewel that tastes bad smells comfort behind the ear grandfather (clean, sweet minty worse):

Located in the premises of Fire regretted "Grandma Kitchen", "Pierrot In old-fashioned cooking " evoked among our tasters versatile the nostalgia breast-feeding combined with the shame of having desired for so many years hock stew worthy of the name. Tested after the lunch rush in full week Summer shit, Chez Pierrot kitchen of yesteryear has fulfilled its mission: good, bad fat cheap (also in qualities Lise Dion the salty stories monconcle Rene worse strippers remote villages).

menu probably vary depending on each lunchtime specials flyer, we hesitated long before he announced that day because meatloaf is a bad stew dumplings.

Titus slice of life: For once in the summer, it was a sunny day with promise of warmth, and dull the stomach hamburger winters of yesteryear,
compacted worse boiled turnips with udders of sweet potatoes, we felt potentially harmful to the pursuit of a life with a cardio vascular valid.

But we can say that it smelled good, too bad that in January we will confront the ice to test it, the damned stew yien'k for you guys. Because we love you informed.

Anyway. C'te shot there, we played bad summer holiday, it has been listening to our heart, worse was ordered to Pierrot himself a hommebegeurre udders hot doyyes !

The hot doyye had everything a serious amateur expects it in life: a Soucisse that burns a little palace, a bread crisp / buttery soft as it was for the world without unnecessary bead, the tits grilled onions su'a worse plate of ketchup ill. Question hot doyye is the rare top quality / ultra / juicy / greasy as we search by the city. Verdict hot doyiens : Anytime , collecting along the way or eat on site:
  • 2 hot doyyes plus a brown liquid: 3 bucks and 34 pennies.

The burger was acceptable level. Not the type to trigger hysteria but overall respectable appetizing flavor with Titus spices appreciated by the tasters and above all, ALWAYS this bread soaked with butter the philosophy " turn-in is not the ongent "and toasted just right (after the crispy dry udders before) and the ball brushed with condiments in quantities more than sufficient.
  • a tit-hommebegeur : 2 bucks plus tax. Memory tasters, it is cheapest met in a "non-mega chain of junk food .

We like: the friendly atmosphere the worst aspect of the place a homely, friendly service, the tit paper which is packed in the hommebegeure , noise the worst traffic flat tits flights we can bring che'nous as Bouttes happiness prefabricated (Chinese macaroni, meat loaf, meat pie, stews multiple udder has just about everything that your mother cooked with love during the 80 ), prices are affordable more (the big must-spot) too bad that it tastes exactly like it was towed who had, except that c'pas towed.

We like least: the randomness of some menu items (some mouthwatering meals were not available, it limit was annoying ) the total absence of bad cooking. A hot doyye without fries, it's always a little sad .

short, two patties worse broccoli frustrated happy, but a tit broccoli. If not worse in that fucking it.

To discover!

Chez Pierrot Kitchens of yesteryear

527, boulevard Langelier , Quebec, G1K 5P7 QC
Telephone: 418-948-8890

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How Toxic Is Safflower Oil


bar: Dun's in the roaster

The site Sougraigne hiding in a wooded valley near the fountain of salt. The blocks are scattered on both sides a paved runway and have all the exhibitions. The rock is a sandstone of good quality, but can be sandy in areas subject to moisture. The possibilities are quite large, but the work of opening so ungrateful ... common in all seasons.


Show SOUGRAIGNE access on a larger map


Show SOUGRAIGNE sector on a larger map

From the parking lot No. 1

above the runway

Poupon fever

1 - 6 sat: 2-7b
Poupon 6b plague / c sitting: 7b / c? 3-5c
3b-seated 7b
4-6a The terrace

Cold Light

2-7a Cold Light (7 m)

under the track:


1 -
2 - minimoi seated 7a
3 - seated 6b

Beech or may not be

1 - seated
6b 2 - sitting: 6c
3 - seated 6c
4 - seated 6c/7a
5-Beech or may not be seated 7b / c

Bloc in Beech or not be

1 - sat: 6a + b /
2 - Chikungunya 7a (seated or standing) behind the front

From the parking lot No. 2

Mama africa

1 - seated 5c/6a
2 - sat: 6a
3 - seated 5c/6a
4 - Exoplanet: 6c/7a (expo)
Oregon 5-6a / a + (ex block)
6-Appalooza 6b / b + (starting block)
7-Mama Africa 7a / b (starting block) sitting: 7b / c
8-Pepper Green 5c

In Appalooza

From the parking
No. 3

Above Runway:

The Apothecary

1 - Soka
2-cola seated 6c/7a
3-L druggist seated 4-7a
The maid seated 6b
5 - seated 6b


1 - 2-
Olivine: 6c
3 -

left olivine uphill

1 -
2 -

The rimontaise

Rimontaise The 1-seated 6c/7a
2 - seated 6b / c
3 -

Below the track

The capacitor

First block in the bed of the valley high school, his left hand when one goes down. Cited here for reference, because often very wet and probably returned as foams. From left to right: 1-
Capacitor sitting 5c : 7a
2 - 5c

Mastaba and Uluru

Mastaba is a cave that is in the bed of the valley side. Sometimes insufficient brightness, depending on time of day.
Uluru is located in the main bed of the valley slightly downstream of the confluence. Block often wet and surely to rebrosser but with some really nice lines.


can block overlooking the sal after the confluence with the valley of Uluru. Two passages


roof sit start
1-seated Amalgam: 7 c
From the parking
No. 4

La Barre

in Dun's Matador

Great bar or overflow passages stop at a good stratum. Crash mandatory for power down. At the shelter from the rain. Some problems of great qualities: trip with the Angels, the roaster ...

1 -
2 -
3 - 4-6b
Rael sitting 5c: 6a
Matador 5-6c seated
6-666 7a + 6b / c sitting: 7a / b
7-6a The mire / b sitting: 7a / b
Uppercut 7a 7a Ash (ex skipped)

L'ange examiner 10-7b (start skipped)
11-Trip with the angels 7b / c

13-7a The roaster
14 - 5c

Lawrence in the roaster

Going down along the bar and continuing thirty meters after its withdrawal, there is a very nice block, loud enough to rock and excellent. One pass for now: 6c


Located at the bottom of the bar of the eastern flank of the valley

1-Blinkers 6a / b
2 - 5c

Friday, July 17, 2009

Samples Speech- Congratulatory

Café Bistro Faux Bourgeois

Yes, the snack in the elevator of the Faubourg! This can be seen every time we take the lift but had never thought about stopping. Although we have never seen anyone eat there. BUT! Having heard that it was the best poutine in Quebec, he had to taste it. It was the evening's show by Kiss, the guy in the restaurant was immersed in his reading and seemed surprised to have customers, there was no visible menu, but we knew what we wanted and we opted for the large format. Pleasant surprise, poutine is excellent! The sauce is perhaps a bit too salty but it is hardly noticeable.

menu online