Sunday, July 26, 2009

How Much Do You Receive For A Dity Move Ets

The buffet Antiquary Version cheeseburger and poutine

We had already made the critical cheeseburger and poutine, but we came back yesterday to take pictures so we thought it deserved a separate post.

Always queue at the buffet in the Antiquary so we took the place which is released soon: the counter. A special place to admire the work of cooks who are struggling to prepare dozens of dishes every minute. And at the same time it gives the opportunity to see all the dishes on the menu and it gives your mouth water, you start to regret our choice and really want to eat fish and chips at table d'hote ($ 12), the steak, sea pie ... everything looks good! Especially when you're hungry is unbearable. But our food arrived and it is happiness. It devours the cheeseburger and poutine: French fries are perfect, the sauce too and they are not cheap on the cheese poop! The big poutine (equivalent to regular in Ashton) is about $ 5.50 cheeseburger and $ 3.50. *** Update ***

We went to eat another poutine the Antiquary, and we are very disappointed. The fries tasted old rancid oil, and the sauce was cold. (
Good hot dog topped by cons for $ 2.50.


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