Monday, July 20, 2009

Fetish Belly Punching Brazil

Chez Pierrot kitchen of yesteryear

Hard times . The recession, housing costs rising, the softwood, it . In these times of tightened belts worst of my eating your in keeping the other for tomorrow, you should know how to prepare how bad our remaining with not much like our mommy. Should we experiment mechanisms that appeal to the remains, as before, in time for the past before. Especially needed to perpetuate the culinary heritage of Boutte, who lost quietly. We therefore carried out a meticulous search the area for the children of Saint-Roch can know the past of their ancestors gourmet, worse at the same time you know eat for good eating peanuts. To remind it tastes what, the mother ate. Valiant as we are, it took no time we fell su the restaurant Pierrot, a tit jewel that tastes bad smells comfort behind the ear grandfather (clean, sweet minty worse):

Located in the premises of Fire regretted "Grandma Kitchen", "Pierrot In old-fashioned cooking " evoked among our tasters versatile the nostalgia breast-feeding combined with the shame of having desired for so many years hock stew worthy of the name. Tested after the lunch rush in full week Summer shit, Chez Pierrot kitchen of yesteryear has fulfilled its mission: good, bad fat cheap (also in qualities Lise Dion the salty stories monconcle Rene worse strippers remote villages).

menu probably vary depending on each lunchtime specials flyer, we hesitated long before he announced that day because meatloaf is a bad stew dumplings.

Titus slice of life: For once in the summer, it was a sunny day with promise of warmth, and dull the stomach hamburger winters of yesteryear,
compacted worse boiled turnips with udders of sweet potatoes, we felt potentially harmful to the pursuit of a life with a cardio vascular valid.

But we can say that it smelled good, too bad that in January we will confront the ice to test it, the damned stew yien'k for you guys. Because we love you informed.

Anyway. C'te shot there, we played bad summer holiday, it has been listening to our heart, worse was ordered to Pierrot himself a hommebegeurre udders hot doyyes !

The hot doyye had everything a serious amateur expects it in life: a Soucisse that burns a little palace, a bread crisp / buttery soft as it was for the world without unnecessary bead, the tits grilled onions su'a worse plate of ketchup ill. Question hot doyye is the rare top quality / ultra / juicy / greasy as we search by the city. Verdict hot doyiens : Anytime , collecting along the way or eat on site:
  • 2 hot doyyes plus a brown liquid: 3 bucks and 34 pennies.

The burger was acceptable level. Not the type to trigger hysteria but overall respectable appetizing flavor with Titus spices appreciated by the tasters and above all, ALWAYS this bread soaked with butter the philosophy " turn-in is not the ongent "and toasted just right (after the crispy dry udders before) and the ball brushed with condiments in quantities more than sufficient.
  • a tit-hommebegeur : 2 bucks plus tax. Memory tasters, it is cheapest met in a "non-mega chain of junk food .

We like: the friendly atmosphere the worst aspect of the place a homely, friendly service, the tit paper which is packed in the hommebegeure , noise the worst traffic flat tits flights we can bring che'nous as Bouttes happiness prefabricated (Chinese macaroni, meat loaf, meat pie, stews multiple udder has just about everything that your mother cooked with love during the 80 ), prices are affordable more (the big must-spot) too bad that it tastes exactly like it was towed who had, except that c'pas towed.

We like least: the randomness of some menu items (some mouthwatering meals were not available, it limit was annoying ) the total absence of bad cooking. A hot doyye without fries, it's always a little sad .

short, two patties worse broccoli frustrated happy, but a tit broccoli. If not worse in that fucking it.

To discover!

Chez Pierrot Kitchens of yesteryear

527, boulevard Langelier , Quebec, G1K 5P7 QC
Telephone: 418-948-8890


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