Thursday, July 9, 2009

Power Cost Pedestal Fan

Warsaw, Tenga Quantiquité, Deadline ...

In the midst of a week's vacation (before the "big" in August), I realize that if I move a lot of things (in the foreground which are taking over and Exile Campaign for Hellywood), I have a little trouble making ends anything. A little frustrating to have to saying that the "work in progress" still open and the satisfaction of successful closure. But this is a matter of time.

Fortunately, there are also pleased to see the conclusion, or be realized, the projects of people we like and we have decided to support through John Doe. Far be it from me to appropriate any manner whatsoever the admirable work of authors, just to share with you the pride of humbly participate in exciting projects, have helped them move to the final stage beautiful book of paper that feels good printing. A small tribute (awkward) to those who agreed to trust us to give life to their books. When with The

grumph and Matthew, we set up John Doe, I did not realize my hand for the fun we have to push and working relationships that result. Finally, we contrefout sales, but there is pride to be able to leave the Plagues Attinost Benoit, the patient 13 and Our Tomb of Sir Yno to have delegated to a bunch Seagull Hellywood of writing. And right now, I'm spoiled, either by the completed projects or those that mature at high speed.

First by Warsaw, who went to the printing and I just received the proofs. I probably did not quite say the authors, but it's a great job. Voila! Touching on hand to hold the result of years of work for the author, Julien Heylbroeck, which we feel he has put his guts. And all those who assisted to achieve its vision (Willy Yno, Matthias, LG) have worked a the same page. I wanted to be friends over this, if only that damn back would leave me alone! Then

Tenga. Things are moving, the first signed Visual Akhad unfold and for me the excitement mounts. When will the texts, Mr. Brand? For the record, the statement of intent Tenga has been the most successful and most exciting ever received by John Doe. Coherence between content and form, and defended the choices assumed, Brand had left nothing to chance. You could not say no! And it was good, work with a guy as productive and friendly that Brand is a pleasure.

Pierrick "Akhad" May has revealed a few days ago the first of its visual Quantiquité , which I think kindly of "rpg with Greek in space." Except it is much more than that. I was pleased to be associated with early reflections Pierrick and see the project mature fills me with joy as I know there's heart and put it it poses existential questions! It's been a few years now that I work with Pierrick (from Exile) and work with this guy is just perfect: talented, effective, available and always master of his nerves, even when he is told he must remove 4 pages comp buckled.

Matthew "Zil" Gonbert is the third partner of John Doe, the more discreet but without whom we would never have to get by legal issues. His project is called Deadline and to make simple, let's say it's a long campaign ready to play high-tech espionage, including the particularity of a spread in the time bring to the conduct of highly original effects. Again, it's very hard boss and I had the pleasure of reading a first full version of the campaign, which gives immediately wanted to play. He, too, is a charming guy and a friend who has.

Thanks to them all! My apologies for the Bears side of this message, but after all, there is no harm in leaving a little about his feelings from time to time, right? See these books become a reality in my view justifies the creation of the John Doe and there will be others, it's not over!

Ah yes, links.
Plenty of Warsaw on the Blog Willy and of course, his record Grog .
Brand talks about many things on his blog .
's blog Akhad or are evoked Quantiquité design choices.
Zil maintains a blog for development Deadline.


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