Sunday, June 28, 2009

Alfred Hitchcock Schizoid Personality Disorder


Juju in the molding

One of the last born among sectors Charentais. Southern exposure, but the shade trees in summer. Resurgence in some blocks after a period of pluvieuse.Peu monos, a lot of strips and plates. Site under agreement.


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blocks are described from east to west

Bloc corset
(5m on the right sector serve attached)
left right:
1 - (sit start Pillar) 6b / c 2-Pontet Canet
sitting: 4a
3-The corset seated 6b / c

serve joint

1-Sers seal 7b + seated 7c
2b-start 1) exit 2) 7c
2-Trip Tonic 7a
3 -Rule of games 7b + (without jumping to the ground)
4-Sers vile 6a / b
5-Sers vile (right exit) 6b
6-Correlation 6c seated 7b +
7-Tariquet 6b
8-Crumbelle 5c sitting: 9-7a
Post it sitting 5c: 7a +
10-Charentes The cricket sitting 3b: 5c
The 11-block campaign seated 5b

Block Juju (10m left of the area serve attached).
From left to right:
1 - 6b +
2 - 4a


1-BF 15 5b seated 6b +
2-genuflecting left 5a seated 6b +
3-genuflecting right 5a seated 6c
4 - 5b


1 -.
2-Tuff-Tuff 5b seated 6a +
3-The rule of three 5c seated 7a +
4-Bipass 5b seated 6a +
5-Right cuissage the radius laundry 5a seated 6a

6 Trompe l'oeil-7-6c
7a 8-Crisis 7a +
9-10-Single-stage 6c/7a
Plyometrics 6c


Residual 3-6b
4 -?
5-Low cost 6a +

6-Lao costeu 6b
7 - 6c
8 - 6b +
9-Professor Cisse 5c
10-Intumescence 7a
11-Tripod 6c
12 - 6b
13-If I was a flower 14-7b
Process farts
15-7a + 6b The blazon

16-Sers Vice
6c 17-6c +
Polonium 18 -?
19 - 5c
20-Catharsis 7b + seated 7c +


1-Sers jump 3b seated 7a
2-Old 3b seated 7b +
3-abdominis: 6b seated 7b The molding


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