Friday, June 26, 2009

Sdc Snoop Dogg Clothing


With its fine grain, the Sigaliéro has arguably the finest sandstones of the Corbieres. Under the oaks green at the bottom of a valley, the site dries fairly slowly after rain. There remain many opportunities opening up more easily in the side is the valley above the main area. Opened in 2007.

Show sigaliéro on a larger map

Major Sector

Block 8: Lux aeterna

always backtrack to the left, ignoring the paths starting at right.
When it stops at the bottom of a valley it up (some brambles possible from the following attendance), sometimes left, sometimes right in the creek bed (almost always dry) to stumble on the first blocks. (20 minutes)

Block 1
a-5b seated 5c
b-6a + seated 6b
c-4b seated 6a / b
d-4a seated 6a / b
e-Lament 6b / c sitting: 6c / 7a-f
L'animiste sitting 6c: 7a / b
g-seated 7b

a-Block 2 The kindoki 6c/7a
b-c-sitting project
: 6b
d-e-construction project

Block 3
a-Monopoly 7a +

Block 4
b-seated 6b

Block 5
aA priori 6b
b-lowland seated 7b
c-Demarcation seated 6a / b d-5b
e 5c-3c seated 4c

Block 6
a-sitting: 6b / c
b-4c seated 6a

Block 7
Opus 7a 7b Ope there

Block 8
a-arched 6a / b
b-Lux aeterna 7b / c-c
Happy House 6c / 7a
of-Sale ope 6c/7a

Block 9 (70m N NE Block 8) from left to right:
a-6b / c b-5c sitting
: c-5c 6b

Block 1: Dun's, in the passage

Sector Muse
Since the main sector:
Follow the path, which rises above the main area on the eastern flank of the valley, winding through the blocks. You pass a stone feature (2 open passages) before joining a larger area cleared which leads to a track. The monitor on the left about 150m up a turn to the left to leave gauche.La progress in an area of sparse heather. The block is then on your left. From the parking
take the third road on the right (run straight down a steep slope) on 600/700m to turn left from the previous route.

One pass for now, but worth a look: Muse sitting 6c: 7a


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