Sunday, June 14, 2009

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Card Reading - A Song of Ice and Fire 2

I finished reading "A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying" , adaptation RPG by Green Ronin novels of George RR Martin, better known in France under the name "Thrones". This is the second After this saga is adapted RPG. The previous version, "A Game of Thrones" saw its publication stopped following the bankruptcy of its publisher, Guardians of Order. I propose below a small return on this new game This review is of course made "hot" since I have not experienced this system in game situation

To begin, a word about my motivation: I did not really want to play in the world of novels, Westeros. As such, the lack of background detail in this book, which must be completed by a "Campaign Guide" out early July, does not bother me. This is a book composed of 90% of rules. This is precisely the biases of the gaming system announced that interested me greatly: fighting fairly "gritty" social conflict management and management of a noble house, all in a framework of political confrontations, a type of campaign that I would love to lead.

Presentation and content

The book has 224 pages in full color, hard cover in a very thick. The paper is a bit light and the ink has tended to do but curl "A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying "Remains a beautiful object. Who said colors and color words inside the book does not lack. The layout reminds sometimes D & D4 in how to use different colors to type boxes and tables. The illustrations are generally correct and, in my view, the rendering is much nicer than the previous version of Guardians of Order. The visual rendering seems more suited to the mood of the novels, at least as I imagined.

After a brief introduction, the book begins with an introduction to the world of novels, Westeros, about twenty pages. No surprises, it is a synthesis Fast flying history of the 7 kingdoms and their geography. We will therefore wait to see the Campaign Guide detailed world. It should be noted that these pages are the only elements present in the background of the book, except for a small bestiary end of the book: you will not find here summaries of novels, the main characters have not their right to form figures or anything else.

All chapters are devoted to playing, thus covering both the creation of character combat, combat weight and social confrontation. The last chapter, dedicated to playmaker alternates details rules and guidance control. The book ends with a character sheet of two pages.

No scenario is provided. We can find one, summary in the Quick Start Rules "appeared before this basic book and a second on the screen.

The game system

After the presentation of Westeros, the book enters the heart of the matter: A system of game play, I found it easy and pleasant.

Characters are defined by a series of "Abilities" whose rank is a number of 6-sided dice to throw. The results of these dice are added to overcome a difficulty set by the playmaker

The characters have, however, specializations, which offer "bonuses" the die is cast as the others, but ultimately, it keeps a number of dice equal to the rank of Ability, the highest naturally. If I have 4 dice 2 dice Athletics and Running bonus, I throw 6 dice and adds that none 4. Simple. The radius of

very dispensable, special abilities available to PC: Yes, these are feats to DD3, neither more nor less, with requirements for obtaining and everything. The list remains reasonable and I felt that a person could not earn more than a few. But it nevertheless represents a good package of exceptions to basic rules and if I use this system, I think I would spend without regret these elements.

are then presented a series of archetypes ready to play, very convenient to start before the detailed rules of character creation. The emphasis is clearly on building a cohesive team and complementary, united by belonging to the same minor noble house.

Family Life

This is also an entire chapter to create his noble house. I think this a success. The game does not necessarily offer a level of detail in the Reign (whatever ...), but the system is simple and fun.

As a character, a noble house has a series of characteristics that each represent a kind of "reserve" that can invest in such structures (castles, fortifications) or troops. This would determine the financial comfort of a home, but if its territory is well policed or prey to robbers, etc. ...

At least once every three months, an event random place, which may lead to disasters increases and resources from home. It can also cause its own event which will take her to invest its resources but will backfire, especially on his fame. One example is given, the tournament, but we can imagine others.

Finally, the actions of Player Characters affect the fate of the house. If they engage in a war, it naturally puncture or increase their resources in case of successful conquest. Moreover, at the end of each scenario, the characters earn points glory they can invest in their home.

Everything seems very effective to live this "meta character" that is the noble house.

Clashes physical and social

bases of the combat system are simple and seem to be turning. A flat on the calculation of damages, which requires a multiplication: multiply the base damage of success by the quality of the jet. For many, it will not be a concern for me in that mental arithmetic is far from obvious, it's a little handicap in terms of fluidity.

For cons, I really like the system of injury management. An individual may be redeemed by a certain amount of damage before seeing his "Health" reduced to zero, in which case its fate is left to the discretion of the attacker: dead, knocked out, captured, left for dead to vultures ... Excellent in a game dominated political or kill an opponent can have a huge impact and where the catch may be a tactical advantage. It is even possible to figure reduced to 0 Health to negotiate its fate! Furthermore, important people can choose when cashing damage, turn them into wounds (causing negative modifiers) rather than see them fall Health. One gains a dimension of management of health quite interesting. The system is it deadly? Clearly, a knight trained will gobble a soldier improvised. But facing a numerically superior group, it eventually crashed. A level of "realism" rather adapted to the mood of the novels where even the most gifted swordsmen is not immune to a terrible injury or sudden death.

Readers will finally have his share of advanced rules and special maneuvers, I flew.

After running a home, the second originality of this system is to my taste treat social confrontation as a struggle: a defense, a possible "armor" (linked to the mindset of the character against his opponent) and "attacks" (different techniques from bluffing to seduction). It seems very relevant. Of course, that book (this is made clear) to intrigue decisive. But finally, players will be able to play timid skilled negotiators without stress, and big mouths do not go alone ensure their patter.

course, some will regret it technification "part of the game traditionally reserved for the roleplay. In my opinion, the two are not mutually exclusive and more, with a view to pose serious policy making and war on the shoulders of the players, this does not seem inappropriate. Only regret: no management "legacy" long-term social, even if your choice will affect future relations with your opponent (a guy you pitch you look with a jaundiced eye the next time).

remains to be tested to see if it really turns both into play only on paper!

A little more, I leave?

followed the rules of engagement allow the mass clashes between the skirmish pitched battle with the machines of war. This chapter is very dense and less approachable than the previous. The principles are once again quite simple but put everything in music is likely to require repetition. The example provided at the end of chapter has the merit of clarifying the rules, but shows only few options and this chapter would have to be won plus a more detailed example.

Finally, the book ends with a chapter of advice to the playmaker where several points are discussed: mastering tips, additional rules (exploration, travel management) and tips for managing Finely game system (choose the difficulty ...). A small bestiary is provided and the magic is discussed. As you can imagine if you read the novels, magic is not available to player characters and the rest of the field of storytelling, not encrypted.


I really enjoyed my reading, which is rare in the case of a simple game system, the technical part is traditionally what bothers me in a role play. The tone is also very didactic, making the rules very accessible. They are also well supported by numerous examples. In a word: I look forward to test.

The game will take its full extent as clearly as part of a campaign-long courses, tailored around the house noble characters. But can be played virtually unchanged in another universe than Westeros long as there is no magic system is not a disability (or whatever you like tinkering) for a typical Pendragon where they would not play only knights.

For more information: sheet Grog in the range "A Song of Ice and Fire"


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